ENG / ITA / RUS: Who helped, lobbied, collaborated, still helping, still collaborating and still sponsoring chekist regime? - List of 60+ articles from different authors, newspapers, countries
Russian Opposition: Who, What and How ENG/ ITA/ RUS: The History of Protests, Soviet Dissidents and Opposition Leaders.
Russian Government vs. Russian people ENG/ ITA/ RUS: articles, songs, speeches, WikiLeaks, videos
KGBistan: Who, What and How ENG/ ITA/ RUS: What do you know about regime in Russia?
Why did the Liberal Democratic West choose putin? Transnational mafia of ruling elites and project "putinism" ENG/ ITA/ RUS: Who, when, for how much and how often: how the Western establishment raised the chekist junta, enriched itself with stolen resources
“My job as Prime Minister is to love Mr. putin” - Tony Blair on May, 2001 in conversation with Anna Politkovskaya during meeting of Press Club at the “Hotel Claridge’s”
1 - Some of the texts were written by Soviet dissidents.
2- Some articles were written by Russian journalists which were killed.
3- Some articles were written by Russian journalists which are living in exile before the war 24.02.2022 and cannot return to the country.
4- Alexey Navalny is in prison. UPDATE: 16.02.2024 ALEXEY WAS KILLED
5- Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, is in prison.
- - - - - - - The page will be updating with new translations and links - - - - - - -
Pacifists against the Peace - Vladimir Bukovsky’s book, 1982 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Crimini dell'URSS: Pacifismo / RUS: Пацифисты против мира - книга Владимира Буковского, 1982
December 24, 1979 USSR entered in Afghanistan.
After 9 months in September, 1980 USSR organized World Congress for Peace in Bulgaria
According to Pravda, 23-29 settembre, 5 novembre 1980; Izvestia, 23, 24, 27, 28 settembre 1980) Congress was attended by:
Countries: all over the world People: 2,260 peace-lovers from 137 countries, claiming to represent 330 political parties, 100 international and over 3,000 national non-governmental organizations. 200 trade-union leaders, 129 leading Social Democrats (33 of them members of their respective national executive bodies), 150 writers and poets, 33 representatives of different liberation movements, ex-military people, some of them generals, and representatives of 83 Communist parties, 18 representatives of different UN specialized committees and commissions, 200 members of different national parliaments Organizations: UN, World Peace Council, CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), Green (Political Party in Germany), World Council of Churches and other religious organizations, National Assembly of British Women, youth organizations, Organization of African Unity, OPEC, the Association in Defense of Civil Rights from Northern Ireland, women’s organizations
International network: Oil and profits of millions of dollars for Italian comrades (ENG translation link is inside Italian article) / ITA: La rete internazionale: Petrolio e profitto di milioni di dollari per amici compagni italiani / RUS: Международная сеть: нефть и прибыль в миллионы долларов для итальянских товарищей (оригинальный документ на русском языке в статье с итальянским переводом)
Countries: USSR, Italy People: L.Remiggio, Boris Ponomarev, Smirtyukov, Patolichev Organizations: Central Committee of Communist Party, Ministry of Foreign Commerce
International Network: Communism, slave citizens and $22 000 000 for foreign comrades (ENG translation link is inside Italian article) / ITA: International Network: Comunismo, cittadini schiavi e $ 22 000 000 per i compagni esteri / RUS: Международная сеть: Коммунизм, рабы и 22 000 000 долларов для иностранных товарищей (оригинальный документ на русском языке в статье с итальянским переводом)
Countries: Comintern countries across the globe People: Garetovsky K.V., V.V. Gerashchenko, V.M. Falin Organizations: USSR Central Bank, Central Committee of Communist Party, International Fund for aid to left-wing workers' organisations
I. The end of the USSR
USSR - Europe: When Paris and the Kremlin planned control and dominion over other countries / ITA: URSS - Europa: Quando Parigi e il Cremlino pianificarono il controllo e il dominio su altri paesi / RUS: СССР - Европа: Когда Париж и Кремль планировали совместный контроль и господство над другими странами
Countries: France, UK People: Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterand Organizations: Communist Party, Socialist Party
II. POST - USSR | 90’s
FIMACO - Black cash (link to English translation is inside Italian article but the English version is shorter the Russian (and that one translated to Italian) / ITA: 1990 - FIMACO - La cassa in nero / RUS: Fimaco - Черная касса (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK, France, Switzerland People: Andrey Movchan, Yevgeny Primakov, Viktor Geraschenko, Richard Thomas (Ogier & Le Masurier), Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Yuri Ponomarev, Bernard Dupuy, Sergei Aleksashenko, S. Shcherbakov, Sergey Dubinin, Andrey Vavilov Organizations: FIMACO, Eurobank, Moda (export-import Swiss company), Royal Bank of Scotland Trust Co, Russian Commercial Bank of Zurich (property of Vneshtorgbank), Moscow People's Bank (London), Edinburgh Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of France, Avtobank, Tokobank, Unikombank, Communist Party of France, Moscow International Bank, Sobinbank
Credit Lyonnais and cash bags (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Credit Lyonnais e borse di contanti / RUS: Кредит Lyonnais и сумки с деньгами (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: France, Germany People: Anatoly Sobchak, Igor Sagiryan, Matthias Warnig Organizations: Bank Credit Lyonnais, Dresdner Bank, Stasi, Nord Stream
90’s - Spain and the case N.144128 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anni '90 - Spagna e il caso N.144128 / RUS: 1990-е - Испания и дело N. 144128 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Israel, Spain, Finland People: Alexey Kudrin, Sergey Nikeshin, Vasily Kabachinov Organizations: XX TRUST
90’s - Spain and the case N.144128 - Part 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anni '90 - UK, Spagna, Finlanda e il caso N.144128 - Parte 2 / RUS: 1990-е годы - Великобритания, Испания, Финляндия и дело N.144128 - Часть 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Spain, UK, Finland People: Anatoly Sobchak, Kogan (Promstroybank), Boris Berezovsky, Sergey Nikeshin Organizations: XX Trust, Quesada e Quesada, Banco de Valencia, Finnapi Espana, Hotel "La Palama"
90’s - The case N.144128. The talk with detective investigator - Part 3 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anni '90 - Il caso N.144128. Parola del investigatore - Parte 3 / RUS: 1990-е годы - дело N. 144128. Слово следователя - Часть 3 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Russia, Spain, Austria People: Boris Yeltsin, Vasily Kabachinov, Oleg Kalinichenko, Anatoly Sobchak, Gennady Petrov, Alexander Bastrykin, Mikhail Fradkov, Vladimir Rushailo, Vladimir Kozhin, Alexey Kudrin, Yevgeny Kadyrov Organizations: XX Trust, Vneshtorgbank
90’s - Germany, Liechtensten, Colombia - SPAG - Part 1 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anni '90 - Germania, Liechtenstein, Colombia - SPAG - parte 1 / RUS: 1990-е - Германия, Лихтенштейн, Колумбия - SPAG - часть 1 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, Liechtenstein, Colombia, Spain, Italy People: Rudolf Ritter, Vladimir Smirnov, Sergey Belyev, Eugen von Hoffen (Dr.Heeb), Juan Carlos Saavedra Molina, Egon Fink, Denton Halley, Francois Serret, Gilberto Rodriguez-Orejuela, Yuri Lvov, Igor Davydov (Davidoff) Organizations: SPAG, Alfa Capital Int. Ltd, Liechtenstein Landbank, company Znamenskaya, Cali Kartell, WEF - World Economic Forum in Davos, Euro-Finance Trust, IC-Group (IC-Gruppe), 24 companies and foundations: Euro-Russo Corporation S.A, FSK Foundation, etc;
90’s - Germany, Liechtensten - SPAG - Part 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anni '90 - 2003 - Germania, Liechtenstein - SPAG - parte 2 / RUS: 1990-е - 2003 - Германия, Лихтенштейн - SPAG - часть 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, Liechtenstein People: German Gref, Klaus-Peter Sauer, Francisco Guadamillas-Cortez, Rudolf Ritter, Eugen von Hoffen, Sergey Orlov, Valery Kretov, Larisa Drozdova, Nikolai Maksimov, Ilya Yampolsky Organizations: SPAG, Drug Cartels, company Znamenskaya, Paribas-Zurich, GP Morgan Private Bank, Intercommerce-Formula-7, Petersburg Fuel Company, Livkom, VS Development & Consulting, company Technabexport (from Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russian Federation), Internexco GmbH, Interprodis Trust Limited, Cedar Consulting, RsiR (RcR), Ost-West Handelsbank
1998 - The Story of IMF Credit - Part 1 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 1998 - La storia del credito FMI - Parte 1 / RUS: 1998 - История кредита МВФ - Часть 1 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, UK People: Alexey Kudrin, Mikhail Zadornov, Boris Yeltsin Organizations: Federal Reserve Bank di New York, Ost-West Handelsbank, Bank of Sydney, National Westminster Bank (London), Lugano Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Credit Suisse, Creditanstalt- Bankverein (Lausanne), Republic National Bank of New York, SBS-Agro,
1998 - The Story of IMF Credit - Part 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 1998 - La storia del credito FMI - Parte 2 / RUS: 1998 - История кредита МВФ - Часть 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland, UK People: Roman Abramovich, Evgeniy Shvidler, Alexander Smolenskiy, Boris Berezovsky Organizations: EBRD, Runik SA, Runicom SA, Runicom Ltd, SBS-Agro, West Merchant Bank (London), Bank Zoloto-Platina, Sibneft, Tokobank, Inkombank, Bank of New York, Russian Alluminium
Switzerland: Capitals of the family of Yeltsin and co. (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Switzerland: Capitali della famiglia di Yeltsin e co. / RUS: Швейцария: Капиталы семьи Ельцина и ко (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland People: Boris Yeltsin, Leonid e Tatyana Dyachenko, Boris Berezovskiy, Roman Abramovich, Behgjet Pacolli, Anatoly Chubais, Viktor Chernomyrdin Organizations: Mabetex, The Bank of New York, Runikom
90’s -2003 - UK, MI6, oilmen and chekists together to rob poor people in Siberia (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Anni '90 - 2003 - UK, MI6, petrolieri e chekisti insieme a derubare povera gente in Siberia / RUS: 90-е -2003 - Великобритания: МИ-6, нефтяники и чекисты вместе грабить бедняков Сибири
Countries: UK People: Tony Blair, Richard Dearlove, John Sawers Organizations: BP - British Petroleum, MI6
Yuri Shchekochikhin: The very rich Komi Republic and the poor Duchy of Luxembourg (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Yuri Shchekochikhin: La ricchissima Repubblica di Komi e il povero Ducato di Lussemburgo / RUS: Юрий Щекочихин: Государственные карманники. Богатейшая Республика Коми инвестировала в беднейшее герцогство Люксембург миллионы долларов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Luxembourg, Denmark, Israel, USA, Switzerland, Cyprus, British Virgin Islands People: D. V. Tulin, Y. Spiridonov, V. Gerashchenko, V. Z. Leonidov, A.Turkin, Peter Skak-Iversen, M. Gluzman, B. Bidstead, A. Vinieri, Y. Aranov, A. Gultyaev, Jan Bonde-Nielsen, Boris Yeltsin, Alexei Dyachenko, Tatyana Dyachenko Organizations: Komilux, Land og Folk (Danish Communist newspaper), Komineft Production Association, society Ilych (petroil trader?), Dong (petroil company from Denmark), Komidan, Palaris Fund Limited, Diffusion Finance S.A.R.L., KomiTek (from 2000 part of Lukoil), EAST-WEST UNITED BANK, Komi Tebukneft
Anna Politkovskaya: If the enemy doesn't sell himself - they destroy him (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: Se il nemico non si vende - loro lo distruggono / RUS: Анна Политковская: ЕСЛИ ВРАГ НЕ ПРОДАЕТСЯ, ЕГО УНИЧТОЖАЮТ
Countries: Switzerland (?), UK (?) People: Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, Evgeniy Shvidler, Konstantin Potapov Organizations: Sibneft, Financial Oil Corporation LLC, Firma SINS LLC, Rifan Oil LLC, Runicom Ltd, Darth Management, Omsknefteprodukt, Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz, Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika, Sibneft-Omsk Refinery
III. September 1999 Residential Houses Explosions in Russia (read 4 articles in 1):
4th of September, Buinaksk: 64 people died, 146 injured
9th of September, Moscow: 100 people died, 690 injured
13th of September, Moscow: 124 people died, 7 injured
16th of September, Volgodonsk: 19 people died, 89 injured
1999 - Bill, Bill… just give Europe to Russia (no ENG translation is currently available BUT the link to Clinton’s archives inside Italian article) / ITA: 1999 - "Bill, Bill... Semplicemente dai l'Europa alla Russia" / RUS: 1999 — Билл, Билл… просто отдайте Европу России (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA People: Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton Organizations: Government
IV. After 2000
Sergey Grigoryants: «This is a war declared on all European civilization» (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Sergey Grigoryants: «Questa è una guerra dichiarata a tutta la civiltà europea» / RUS: Сергей Григорьянц: «Это война, объявленная всей европейской цивилизации» (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Interview released in March 2015 where Sergey Grigoryants told about events in 2000, 2 months after elections were concluded in Russia
Countries: USA People: Michael McFaul Organizations: Carnegie Endowment
2000 - USA, Bill Clinton: "Enormous potential" (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: 2000 - USA, Bill Clinton: "Enorme potenziale" / RUS: 2000 - США, Билл Клинтон: «Огромный потенциал»(перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA, UK People: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair Organizations: Government
2001 - Anna Politkovskaya: The Secret of Hotel "Claridge's" (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 2001 - Anna Politkovskaya: Il segreto dell'Hotel "Claridge's" / RUS: Анна Политковская: ТАЙНА ОТЕЛЯ «КЛЭРИДЖС»
Countries: UK People: Tony Blair Organizations: Government
UK: Military support against Chechnya (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: supporto militare contro la Cecenia / RUS: Кто создал путина? Великобритания: военная поддержка против Чечни
Countries: UK People: Tony Blair Organizations: Government
2001 - Anna Politkovskaya: The price of the armchair of the UN General Secretary - Chechnya (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 2001 - Anna Politkovskaya: Prezzo della poltrona del Segretario ONU - Cecenia / RUS: Анна Политковская: ЦЕНА КРЕСЛА ГЕНСЕКА ООН — ЧЕЧНЯ
Countries: USA, EU People: Kofi Annan, Alvaro Gil-Robles Organizations: UN - United Nations, UNCHR - United Nations Commission on Human Rights, European Parliament, OSCE, Council of Europe, ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
2002 - Anna Politkovskaya: The crowd of intellectuals under the banner of fashionable wars (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: La folla di intellettuali sotto la bandiera delle guerre che vanno di moda / RUS: Анна Политковская: ТОЛПА ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛОВ ПОД ЗНАМЕНЕМ МОДНЫХ ВОЙН
Countries: Worldwide People: Journalists Organizations: International Federation of Journalists, the UNESCO Commission on Freedom of Information, the World Association of Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists,
2002 - Alexander Litvinenko's letter to The Washington Post / ITA: 2002 - Lettera di Alexander Litvinenko al Washington Post / RUS: 2002 г. — письмо Александра Литвиненко в газету The Washington Post
Countries: USA People: George W. Bush Organizations: Government
V. 17.04.2003 Assassination of Sergey Yushenkov (article)
03.07.2003 Assassination of Yuri Shchekochikhin (article)
25.10.2003 Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s arrest (article)
2003 - Anna Politkovskaya: PROFANATION OF EUROPE. The OSCE mission has left Chechnya (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 2003 - Anna Politkovskaya: PROFANAZIONE D'EUROPA. La missione OSCE e' uscita dalla Cecenia / RUS: Анна Политковская: ПРОФАНАЦИЯ ЕВРОПЫ. Миссия ОБСЕ покинула Чечню.
Countries: UK, Finland, EU People: Lord Judd (Frank Judd/Baron Judd), Jorma Inki (Finnish diplomat) Organizations: OSCE, Council of Europe
General Prosecutor's Office against Novaya Gazeta “The Tri Kita Case” (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Procura Generale contro Novaya Gazeta “Il Caso Tri Kita” / RUS: Генпрокуратура против «Новой газеты» «Дело Три Кита» (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, Germany People: Yuri Biryukov, Nikolai Gorshkov, Kolmogorov, Gorbunov, Shinakov, Agadzhanov, Peter Berlin, Pfeiffle, Garen, Konstin. Organizations: The Bank of New York, Russia - Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sogra International, Liga Mars, Inter-Deuss, Maxes, Inter Trade (Germany), Bex, Benex
2003 - The Council of Europe: the license to kill and destroy (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: The Council of Europe: la licenza per uccidere e distruggere / RUS: Совет Европы: лицензия на убийство и разрушение (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UK, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Litva, Liechtenshtein, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldavia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Estonia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Switzerland, Czech Republic, San Marino, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, North Macedonia, France, Finland, Slovenia People: Ministries of Foreign Affairs (from above countries) Organizations: Committee of Ministers Council of Europe
2005 - Anna Politkovskaya: The story about the friendship between Finland and the Kremlin. How Europe has managed the peace process in Chechnya. 3 articles in 1 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 2005 - Anna Politkovskaya: La storia sull'amicizia tra Finlandia e Kremlino. Come Europa gestiva il processo di pace in Cecenia. 3 articoli in 1 / RUS: Анна Политковская: Рассказ о дружбе Финляндии и Кремля. Как Европа управляла мирным процессом в Чечне. 3 статьи в 1
Countries: EU, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden People: Johannes Koskinen, Andreas Gross (Socialist Swiss Party), Laila Freivalds (Social-democratic Party of Sweden), Rogozin, Mitrofanov Organizations: European Parliament, Council of Europe, PACE
2005 - Anna Politkovskaya: The list of those who weren't there (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: L'elenco di quelli che non erano presenti / RUS: Анна Политковская: СПИСОК НЕЗНАЧИВШИХСЯ
Countries: EU, France People: Andreas Gross (Socialist Swiss Party) Organizations: PACE
EU Politicians are on payroll by Kremlin: Gerhard Schroeder (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Politici EU pagati da Cremlino: Gerhard Schroeder / RUS: Политики ЕС, проплаченные Кремлем: Герхард Шредер (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany People: Gerhard Schroeder, Klaus Uwe Benneter (Social Democratic Party of Germany) Organizations: Gazprom, Yuganskneftegaz
VI. 14.09.2006 Assassination of Andrei Kozlov
Estonia: $200 billion went out of Russia via Danske Bank (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Estonia: $200 miliardi usciti dalla Russia attraverso la Danske Bank / RUS: Эстония: $200 миллиардов выведено из России через Danske Bank
Countries: Estonia, Denmark People: Andres Palumaa, Boris Gryzlov, Yury Chaika Organizations: Estonia’s Financial Supervision Authority (FSA), Sampo Bank, Danske Bank, IC Financial Bridge
VII. 07.10.2006 Assassination of Anna Politkovskaya (all translated articles)
23.11.2006 Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko (article)
Toomas Ilves and laundry with Kremlin money (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files)/ ITA: Toomas Ilves e lavanderia con i soldi di Kremlino / RUS: Тоомас Ильвес и прачечная денег Кремля (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia People: Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Maxim Liksutov, Tatyana Liksutova, Rustam Tariko Organizations: Goverbment, Danske Bank
WikiLeaks and Russia - 3. In the name of profit: American oilmen pleased the Kremlin (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 3. Nel nome del profitto: petrolieri americani compiacevano il Cremlino / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 3. Во имя наживы: американские нефтяники угождали Кремлю (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA People: -- Organizations: Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips
Kremlin oligarch Usmanov and the offshore network to hide billions (ENG version link is inside Italian article)/ ITA: Oligarca di Kremlino Usmanov e la rete offshore per nascondere miliardi / RUS: Кремлевский олигарх Усманов и офшорная сеть по сокрытию миллиардов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Isle of Man, UK, USA, British Virgin Islands People: Alisher Usmanov, Dmitry Peskov, Sergei Chemezov, Andrei Skoch, Mark Veal, Tatyana Navka, Yuri Milner Organizations: VTB Bank, Bridgewaters, Rising Tide V, Quanergy Systems, DST Global, Twitter, JD.com, Gazprom, Metalloinvest,
USA: When Obama's advisor was asked to impose sanctions he advised to protest as in Iran (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: USA: Consiglere di Obama alle richieste di sanzioni consigliava di protestare come in Iran / RUS: США: советник Обамы рекомендовал протестовать, как в Иране, когда его просили о санкциях (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA People: Michael McFaul, Leon Aron Organizations: American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Stanford University, Hoover Institution On War, Revolution And Peace
Credit Lyonnais and cash bags (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Credit Lyonnais e borse di contanti / RUS: Кредит Lyonnais и сумки с деньгами (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Moldova, British Virgin Islands, UK, Panama, People: Sergei Roldugin, Olga Stepanova, Vladlen Stepanov, Vladimir Dzhabarov, Mikhail Chesnokov Organizations: La Delco Networks SA, Elenast, Bunicon-Impex SRL, Roberta Transit LLP, IMO offshore, Protectron Company Inc., Wagnest Ltd, Zarina Group Inc., Renaissance Capital CJSC, ABB Russia, RKS Development
Sergey Kovalev: “EU and political hypocrisy”, 2008 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Sergey Kovalev: "L'UE e l'ipocrisia politica", 2008 / RUS: Сергей Ковалев: «ЕС и политическое лицемерие», 2008 г. (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: EU, Slovenia People: members of presented organizations Organizations: European Commission, OSCE, Council of Europe
International network. Panama papers (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: International network. Panama papers / RUS: Международный нетворк. Панамские документы (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Panama, British Virgin Islands, Litva, Moldova, People: Sergey Roldugin, Organizations: International Media Overseas SA (IMO), Delco Networks SA (Delco), UKIO Bankas, RCB - Russian Commercial Banks (Zurich), Mossack Fonseca, Elenast-Com SRL, Bunicon-Impex SRL, Vanterey Union Inc., Roberta Transit LLP, Protectron Company Inc., Wagnest Ltd., Zarina Group Inc., Milltown Corporate Services, Ireland & Overseas Acquisitions Ltd, Banca de Economii a Moldovei, Vladimir Romanov
Switzerland: trafficking of stolen money (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Switzerland: traffico di soldi rubati / RUS: Швейцария: незаконный оборот украденных денег (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland People: Vinzenz Schnell, Sak Karapetyan, Yuri Chaika, Elena Skrynnik, Denis Katsyv, Organizations: Swiss federal prosecutor's office, Swiss Banks - n.d., Prevezon Holdings
Estonia: storage room for stolen money - 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: ripostiglio per i soldi rubati - 2 / RUS: Эстония: хранилище украденных денег - 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia, British Virgin Islands People: Maxim Liksutov, Dmitry Klyuyev Organizations: Transgroup Invest, Zibar Management
Australia: laundering of stolen money stolen from banks no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Australia: riciclaggio di soldi rubati nelle banche / RUS: Австралия: отмывание украденных денег в банках (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Australia People: --- Organizations: Banks: ANZ, Commonwealth, Westpac, NAB, HSBC
WikiLeaks and Russia - 1: The relations Russia-Italy. The view from Rome (ENG translation link is inside Italian article) / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 1. Le relazioni Russia-Italia: la vista da Roma / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 1. Российско-итальянские отношения: взгляд из Рима (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: Italy, France People: Silvio Berlusconi + governmental members Organizations: Government, ENI, Edison, PD (Partito Democratico), PdL (Popolo della Libertà)
VIII. 16.11.2009 Assassination of Sergey Magnitsky
WikiLeaks and Russia - 9. How Obama and his team supported the chekist junta in Russia with the help of RESET (ENG translation link is inside Italian article) / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 9 Come Obama e il suo team hanno sostenuto la giunta chekista in Russia con l'aiuto di RESET (Al momento non è disponibile la traduzione in italiano) / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 9. Как Обама и его команда с помощью RESET поддерживали чекистскую хунту в России
Countries: USA People: Michael McFaul, Vladislav Surkov, John Ross Beyrle Organizations: US Embassy in Moscow, NSC - National Security Council, Civil Society Working Group,
Millions and billions in the international laundry (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Milioni e miliardi nella lavanderia internazionale / RUS: Миллионы и миллиарды в международной прачечной (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, UK, Switzerland, New Zealand, Serbia, China, Romania, Mexico, Latvia, Ukraine, UAE, Montenegro, Moldavia, Panama, People: Vladlen Stepanov, Olga Tsareva, Elena Anisimova, Erez Maharal, Igor Blinnikov, Ekaterina Simchenko, Alexey Volodkin, Oleg Vol, Oscar Augusto Cedeno, Ivan Gubenko, Lana Zamba, Stan Gorin, Eric Vanagels, Albert M., Alexei Droganov, Elmira Kuzeeva Organizations: Trasta Komercbanka Riga, Nomirex (UK), Bristoll Export (New Zealand), Bunicon-Impex SRL (Moldavia), Meridian Companies House Limited, Sberbank, VTB, Trade Construction Company LLC (S-Peterburg), Regional Legal Center Northern Capital, Style LLC, Mercy LLC (Vladivostok), Magadansky Bank, Ziteron Ltd (USA), Nefteprombank, Russian Legal Company, Eurobalt Limited, Donetsk Altkom Road Construction LLC, Sorena Export Limited, Belize Trinitron Investments Limited, Miller Industrial Inc. (Panama), ScaNex Limited (New Zealand), Dominus Limited, Waterlux AG, Cascado AG, Systemo AG, Ukrvaktsyna, Olden Group LLC (USA), Tormex (New Zealand), Baltic International Bank, Wachovia, Keronol (New Zealand), Sinaloa mexican drug cartell, SP Trading, GT Group, Kom Stroy LLC, Yukon LLC, Investsberbank, Metal-Incom LLC,
Clintons, Rosatom and Uranium One (ENG translation link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Clintons, Rosatom e Uranium One / RUS: Клинтоны, Росатом и Uranium One (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Canada, USA, Kazakhstan, Australia People: Hillary and Bill Clinton, Ian Telfer, Frank Giustra, Nursultan Nazarbayev Organizations: US State Department, Uranium One, Rosatom, Foundation Bill e Hillary Clinton, Renaissance Capital Bank, Wyoming uranium mines,
European high aristocracy in mafia association to traffic stolen oil and money (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Alta Aristocrazia Europea in associazione mafiosa per trafficare petrolio e soldi rubati / RUS: Европейская высшая аристократия в мафиозной ассоциации для трафика нефти и украденных денег (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Monaco, Liechtenstein, Nizza, France, Caribbean islands, People: "Russian businessmen, State Duma deputees, members of Federation Council, workers of secret services, vladimir putin", Dmitry Skigin, Gennady Timchenko, Ilya Traber, Gennady Petrov, Alexander Malyshev, Vladimir Kumarin (Barsukov), Graham Smith, Marcus Hasler, Serge Tell, Jean Cyril Spinetta, Mirek Topolanek, Raben Anstalt, Michael Misik Organizations: Sotrama, criminal clan Tambov, Caravel Establishment, SARL Horizon, Horizon International Trading, Vaduz (United Jet Service Ltd), Petersburg Oil Terminal, financial and industry holding OBIP, Elana Anstalt, LUKOIL, Tatneft, TNK, Sibneft, Gazprom Neft, BP, Total, Glencore, Statoil
European high aristocracy in mafia association to traffic stolen oil and money - Part 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Alta Aristocrazia Europea in associazione mafiosa per trafficare petrolio e soldi rubati - Parte 2 / RUS: Европейская высшая аристократия в мафиозной ассоциации для трафика нефти и украденных денег - часть 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Monaco, Liechetenstein People: Dmitry Skigin, Ilya Traber, Sergey Vasilyev, Vladimir Kumarin (Barsukov), Alexander Krylov, Gennady Petrov, Alexander Malyshev, Anatoly Sobchak, Ilya Traber, Viktor Korytov, Alexander Ulanov, Boris Sharikov, Gennady Timchenko, Alexander Dyukov, Yuri Kovalchuk, Nikolai Shamalov Organization: Wings of America, Nevskaya Investment Company, Sovex Co., Petrobuild, Gazprom Neft, Sigma, Horizon International Trading, LUKOIL, "IYB "Peter", l'Antikvar, Gazprombank, Baltic Bunker Company, Kirishineftekhimexport, St. Petersburg oil terminal, Rossiya Bank, Vita-X, Petroleum
European high aristocracy in mafia association to traffic stolen oil and money - Part 3 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Alta Aristocrazia Europea in associazione mafiosa per trafficare petrolio e soldi rubati - Parte 3 / RUS: Европейская высшая аристократия в мафиозной ассоциации для трафика нефти и украденных денег - часть 3 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Estonia People: Ilya Traber, Dmitry Skigin, Alexander Petrov, Viktor Korytov, Alexander Dyukov, Mikhail Sirotkin, Alexei Miller, Sergei Chemezov, e al presidente del consiglio di Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson, Sergei Chemezov, Alexander Ulanov, Vasily Gorelov, Dmitry Gorelov, Sergey Kolesnikov, Nikolai Shamalov, Georgy Poryadin, Konstantin Patraev, Anna Patraeva, Dmitrys Savins, Erik Kross, Organizations: OBIP “Association of banks investing in the port”, Bank Petrovsky, Bank Sankt-Petersburg, Gazprombank, Nasdor Incorporated, "Sea Port" St. Petersburg", Gazprom Neft, Petersburg Oil Terminal, "Port fleet", KUGI, IUB "Peter, Geni Capital, team Renault - Formula 1, Novatek, Vyborg Shipyard (VSZ), security company "VIAB", Rossiya Bank, Gazprom, Rosinvest LLC, Primorskaya Verf LLC, Vnesheconombank, Jasmine LLC, Pankri Tankers, Alexela Logistics, Juhtimise Partnerid, Surgutneftegaz, TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft, First Murmansk Terminal LLC, Baltic Initiative Vyborg LLC, bunkering company "Petromarin", RosEst, Baltic Ship Mechanical Plant, Invest - BSMP (Baltic Ship Mechanical Plant)
IX. December 2011 - Started protests across Russia against arrogant fraudulent elections (see all posts Dec.2011 and protests 2012)
Who lobbied putin? USA: 2012- Hillary Clinton approved faked elections / ITA: Chi faceva lobby per putin? USA: 2012 – Hillary Clinton approva elezioni falsate / RUS: Кто лоббировал путина? США: 2012 г. – Хиллари Клинтон одобрила фальсифицированные выборы
Countries: USA People: Hillary Clinton Organizations: Department of State
X. 10.11.2012 Assassination of Alexander Perepilichny (article)
World: 732 banks and 20 billion dollars laundered (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: World: 732 banche e 20 miliardi di dollari riciclati / RUS: Мир: 732 банка и отмыты 20 миллиардов долларов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: 96 countries (partial): Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Wstonia, Switzerland, Denmark, China, UAE, UK, USA, Cyprus, Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Taiwan, Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong People (partial): Mateusz Piskorski, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Alexey Krapivin, Georgy Gens, Pavel Flider, Alexei Shmatkov, Evgeniy Volotovsky, Vyacheslav Platon Organizations: 732 Banks, 5,140 companies (partial): Trasta Komercbanka, Moldindconbank, HSBC, Bank of China, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Citibank e Royal Bank of Scotland.
Estonia: storage room for stolen money (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: ripostiglio per i soldi rubati / RUS: Эстония: хранилище для украденных денег (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia, EU People: Maxim Liksutov, Tatyana Liksutova, Sergei Sobyanin Organizations: Transgroup Invest AS, DELTA-TRANS-INVEST LLC, TRANSGROUP AS LLC
Kremlin and creation of the Youth Comintern: Puppets for Revolutions (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Cremlino e creazione del Komintern giovanile: Pupazzi per le Rivoluzioni / RUS: Кремль и создание молодежного Коминтерна: марионетки для революций (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Syria, Libya, Sweden, Ukraine People: Daria Mitina, Vladislav Surkov, Sergei Udaltsov, Ilya Ponomarev, Heydar Dzhemal, Aleksey Sakhnin, Viktor Shapinov, Hans Linde (Left Party) Organizations: Skolkovo (Russia), Borotba (Ukraine), Left Party (Sweden)
XI. After 2014 military invasion in Ukraine and Crimea annexation (article)
European Banks: 2014-2016 Billions and "plastic bottles" (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: European Banks: 2014-2016 Miliardi e "bottiglie di plastica" / RUS: Европейские банки: 2014-2016 Миллиарды и «пластиковые бутылки» (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Cyprus, UK, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, British Virgin Islands, Sweden, Israel, Danske Bank, Swedbank, People: V. Zhukov, A. A. Kurlenko, Alexander Vladimirovich Skirdov, Alexander Udodov, Alexander Zhukov, Natalya Burykina, Vera Smirnova, Vitaly Murentsov, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Elena Mazokina, Andrey Gertsen, Gennady Chervyakov, Igor Komissarov, Alexander Arhipov, Pavel Fokin, Sergey Kononov, Leonid Dyachenko, Artem Khenkin, Ilya Belkadi, Monje Simons Mario Ignacio, Roman Stroykov, Grigory Solovey, Lyudmila Bronovskaya, Mark Bronovsky, Yuri Butok, Vladimir Antonov, Organizations: Guta Bank, Baltikums Bank AS, Tallinn Business Bank Ltd, Saint Petersburg Construction and Investment Company, Universalniye Finansy (UniFin), Estonian Greengate Trading OU, Promsvyazbank, Dobrogost, Bank Oranzhevy, EuroBusiness Group LTD, Bank Saint Petersburg, Swedbank AS, Grizpol OU, Versobank AS, Estonian Centre Party, Transnational Bank, Rosenergobank, Miraf Bank, OOO Indra, AKB Investitsionno-Torgovy Bank, Expert Bank, Bank “Bereit”, Sotrans LLC, Sotrans Group, Sovtrans, Estonian Malindor Invest OU, Akademkhimbank, Snoras (Litva Bank), Nordea Bank, Metrobank, Lithuanian Latvijas pasta banka (now called LPB bank) and A/S Norvik banka, Austrian Meinl Bank (now called Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG), Danish Nordea Bank AS, Polish mBank, Latvian AS Privatbank, SEB Banka, JSC Citadele Banka and AS ABLV (liquidated), Estonian Versobank AS (liquidated)
Czech Republic: Best friends (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files)/ ITA: Czech Republic: Amici per la pelle / RUS: Чехия: Лучшие друзья (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Czech Republic People: Milos Zeman Organizations: Government
France, Thales - the military industry (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Francia, Thales - l'industria bellica / RUS: Франция, Thales - военная промышленность (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: France People: -- Organizations: Thales, Rostec
Switzerland: Technical support for the Rotenberg military factory (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Switzerland: Supporto tecnico per la fabbrica militare di Rotenberg / RUS: Швейцария: Техническая поддержка военного завода Ротенбергов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland People: Ulli (Ulrich) Siegloch, Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Abyzov, Alexey Babkin, Spartak Sotnikov, Michael Lauber, Katrin Streichenberg, Carlo Bulletti, Organizations: SiTec Präzisionstechnik Handels- und Produktionsgesellschaft mbH, Biostrom International AG, LLC “GK Promtekh” = LLC Management Company “Production Assets”, Promtekhnologiya LLC, Ulli Sigloch Holding AG, JSC "Industrial Technologies", State Secretariat for Swiss Economic Affairs (Seco), Swiss Department of Exports, Swiss Federal Intelligence Service, JSC Prommekhanika
XII. 27.02.2015 Assassination of Boris Nemtsov
19.10.2015 The Case N.321/2006 “Russian Mafia” Trial in Spain (article)
March 23, 2015 - Russian citizen Sergey Grigoryants wrote an appeal for ICC Hague - Eng/Rus/Ita / ITA: 23 marzo 2015 - Il cittadino russo Sergey Grigoryants ha scritto un appello per ICC Hague / RUS: 23.03.2015 - Гражданин России Сергей Григорьянц написал обращение в МУС Гааги
Countries: Netherlands People: Fatou Bensouda, M.P. Dillon Organizations: ICC - International Criminal Court
UK: Money laundering companies (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: Le aziende per moneylaundering / RUS: Великобритания: Компании по отмыванию денег (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: UK, Seychelles, Marshall Islands, Estonia, Latvia, Moldavia People: Ilmārs Rimšēvičs, Alexander Grigoriev, Igor Putin, Robert Endersby, Madis Reimand, Kulikov Organizations: Danske Bank, Lantana Trade LLP, Promsberbank, Deutsche Bank, Chadborg Trade LLP, Cherryfield Management, Financial Bridge, Russian Land Bank or RZB
Litva: preferential treatment for collaborators of the Chekist regime (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Litva: trattamento privilegiato per collaborazionisti del regime chekista / RUS: Литва: привилегии для пособников чекистского режима (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Litva People: Vladimir Kozlov, Alexei Mordashov, Aldona Kinstaitienė, Gleb Kozlov, Jonas Pinskus, Vytautas Ustila, Organizations: Severstal, Bolsera, Verslo Investicijų Vystymo Grupė (VIVG), Activ-Forex
XIII. 04.03.2018 Salisbury Poisoning
UK: £232m arms worth after Salisbury poisoning (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: dopo avvelenamento di Salisbury - armi per £232 millioni / RUS: Великобритания: после отравления в Солсбери - оружие на £232 миллиона
Countries: UK People: Theresa May, Boris Johnson Organizations: Government, Department of International Trade
France: Macron, predators-oligarchs and stolen millions (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: France: Macron, oligarchi-predatori e milioni rubati / RUS: Франция: Макрон, хищники-олигархи и украденные миллионы (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany People: Emmanuel Macron, Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrei Bokarev, Dmitry Kostyuchenko, Alexander Martynenko, Vincent Kraz, Alexandra Sergienko, Olga Syrovatskaya, Alexei Krivoruchko Organizations: Alstom, Luganskteplovoz, Transmashholding (TMH), Lugamash, Les Tesnieres Property, Menars Property, Les Pins Property, Ecossaise Property, Ecossaise Property II, Serenity Capital, Immobilier Albert 1er, Casa Lea II Property SCI, Bel'Ombre, TMH International AG, Alstom B.V., Railcomp B.V., Blue Engine Engineers GmbH, Kolomensky Zavod
Predators from KGBistan: Rotenberg Family (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Predators from KGBistan: Famiglia Rotenberg / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: Семья Ротенбергов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland, Latvia, British Virgin Islands, France, Cyprus, Austria, Spain, Monaco, UK, Luxembourg, People: Boris Rotenberg, Arkady Rotenberg, Karina Rotenberg, Igor Rotenberg, Maxim Viktorov, Elena Ruzyak, Alexander Kozlov, Sergei Markov, Evgeniy Vdovin, Yulia Skvortsova, Vladislav Shulga, Maria Borodunova Organizations: Helsinki Halli, Evocorp Management Company LLC, ILS Legal Services S.A., Frasgo Holding Corp., Medexlite Limited, Narcius Limited, Société Générale, LJ Partnership = Alvarium, Legal Intelligence Group Ltd, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP, Banque Havilland S.A, Central Bank Russia, Moskvarium, Investment Funds: Albiorix, Argon, Brianit, Iridium, Rubus, Raygras, Phoenix Trust, Evolti, Hyperion, Lontano, Forward, Technological investments; Faraotis Holding Limited, Avialuxservice LLC, Phoenix Investments LLC, Hellas LLC, Bangalor Holding Limited, Pipeline Supply Management, Northern Aegis, Sarych, Vozrozhdenie, publishing house "Prosveshchenie", SDK Garant
2018 - Atlantic Council + Kremlin Oligarchs: friendship & sanctions off (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Atlantic Council + Kremlin Oligarchs: friendship & sanctions off / RUS: Atlantic Council + кремлевские олигархи: дружба и снятие санкции (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA People: Anders Aslund, John Herbst, Clay Barry, Joe Wang, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven Organizations: Government, Atlantic Council (NATO think tank)
30 July 2018 3 Russian journalists were killed in the Central African Republic (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: 30 luglio 2018 erano uccisi 3 giornalisti russi nella Repubblica Centrafricana / RUS: 30.07.2018 В ЦАР убиты 3 российских журналиста (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: CAR - Central African Republic People: -- Organizations: Government
XIV. 20.08.2020 Attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny (all articles related to Alexey)
Democratic West: many words and few actions after Navalny's poisoning (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Democratic West: tante parole e pochi fatti dopo l'avvelenamento di Navalny / RUS: Демократический Запад: много слов и мало действий после отравления Навального (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, UK, Germany People: Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, Ursula von der Leyen, Jens Stoltenberg Organizations: European parliament, Governments
UK: £289m of military support for Moscow before Ukraine invasion 2022 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: £289m di prodotti militari per Mosca prima dell'invasione in Ucraina 2022 / RUS: Великобритания: военное снаряжение на £289 миллионов до вторжения на Украину в 2022 году
Countries: UK People: Liz Truss, Lubov Chernukhin, Vladimir Chernukhin, Theresa May Organizations: Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade
EU: arms sales under the embargo (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU: vendita delle armi sotto l'embargo / RUS: ЕС: продажа оружия под эмбарго (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, UK People: -- Organizations: Governments
UK: MI6, British Petroleum and £271bn oil (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: MI6, British Petroleum e il petrolio per £271 miliardi / RUS: Великобритания: МИ-6, British Petroleum и нефть на £271 миллиард
Countries: UK People: Tony Blair, John Sawers, Jeremy Huck Organizations: Government, BP-British Petroleum, MI-6, Sidanco, TNK-BP
Canada: the son of the Comintern in association with the chekists (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Canada: il figlio del Comintern in associazione con i chekisti / RUS: Канада: сын Коминтерна в союзе с чекистами (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Country: Canada, Cyprus, France, British Virgin islands, People: Eric Whyte, Andrey Kostin Organizations: VTB, Hotel Tannenhof, ITC Consultants (Cyprus) Ltd, Persifa Ltd, Cahulia Ltd, Aktien Enterprises Ltd, Hundbern (Cyprus), Laroy Enterprises Inc (BVI), Erelson Investments Ltd (BVI), Vargas Properties Ltd. (BVI), Gedsea (Cyprus), Naderbord (Cyprus), Bramsen Trading Limited (BVI), IFG AIFLNP V.C.I.C., Woldern, Landshut Ltd., CIS Opportunities Fund, Kresorco Enterprises, Angerston Holdings, Cyprus Bank RCB, Eralmor Holdings
Switzerland: Privileged entry for sanctioned regime officials (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Switzerland: l'ingresso privilegiato per i funzionari del regime sanzionati / RUS: Швейцария: привилегированный въезд для чиновников режима, попавших под санкции (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland People: Alexander Babakov, Oleg Tyapkin, Yevgeny Zobnin, Irina Babakova, Olga Babakova, Mikhail Babakov Organizations: Government
Netherlands: yachts for predators-oligarchs from KGBistan (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Netherlands: gli yacht per oligarchi predatori di KGBistan / RUS: Нидерланды: яхты для олигархов - хищников из КГБистана (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Netherlands People: --- Organizations: Damen Shipyards Group NV
Germany, Liechtenstein etc: advisors, closets, hiding places and frontmen (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Germania, Liechtenstein ecc: consiglieri, ripostigli, nascondigli e prestanomi / RUS: Германия, Лихтенштейн и т. д.: советники, тайники, хранилища и подставные (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, British Virgin Islands, Austria, Panama, Luxembourg, Monaco People: Boris Rotenberg, Arkady Rotenberg, Igor Rotenberg, Gennady Timchenko, Louis Erie (Louis Eri), Roland Ehry, Erich Hoop, Loretta Erie-Hoop, Ruslan Goryukhin, Evgeniy Goryukhin Yaroslav Kotsyuba, Organizations: Jardin Developments, Handelshaus Hoop&Partner, Sibur, Citco, LOPAG, Sequoia Treuhand Trust, Novatek, Sogaz, Southport Management Services, IPP (International Petroleum Products), Rosneft, Mischositos Investments), Olneil Assets, Volga, Arsden Trading, Conbart Holdings, Elfer Investments, Sheldon Logistics, Lacombe Finance, Ronley Holdings, Gazprom: "TsPSiK" ", "TD Neftekhimmash", "Khimgazaapparatura", "Spetsgazagregat"; RG-Development, Prime Property Management, Lenhart Global, Stroygazmontazh, Red Point LLC,
EU: 2014-2021 military support despite sanctions (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU: 2014-2021 supporto militare nonostante sanzioni / RUS: ЕС: военная поддержка в 2014-2021 годах, несмотря на санкции (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Slovakia, Spain People: Matteo Renzi, Paolo Gentiloni Organizations: Governments, Safran, Thales, Iveco
XV. After 24.02.2022
1 trillion rubles the profit of foreign companies remaining on the Russian market (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: 1 trilione di rubli il profitto delle aziende straniere rimaste sul mercato russo / RUS: 1 трлн руб. прибыль иностранных компаний, оставшихся на российском рынке (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, France, Austria People: -- Organizations: TotalEnergies, Raiffeisen Bank, Pepsico, Mondelēz
Estonia: Aquaphor company opens factories in Crimea and St. Petersburg (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: L'azienda Aquaphor apre stabilimenti in Crimea e San Pietroburgo / RUS: Эстония: Компания «Аквафор» открывает заводы в Крыму и Санкт-Петербурге (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia People: Joseph Schmidt, Kersti Kaljulaid Organizations: Aquaphor
UK: SHELL and bloody millions (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: SHELL e milioni insanguinati / RUS: Великобритания: SHELL и кровавые миллионы (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK People: Ben van Beurden Organizations: SHELL
Finland: Billions of euros of trade during the war (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Finland: Miliardi di euro di commercio durante la guerra / RUS: Финляндия: миллиарды евро торговли во время войны (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland People: Oleg Deripaska, Alisher Usmanov, Merja Porkka Organizations: Neste, Metso Outotec, UCRusal, Metalloinvest, Udokan Copper, Gasum, Advario Finlan,
How Putin's oligarchs had disappeared from the sanctions list (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Come gli oligarchi di putin erano spariti dalla lista delle sanzioni / RUS: Как путинские олигархи исчезли из санкционного списка (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA, Luxembourg People: Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Bill Clinton, Jack Rosen, Richard Burt, Alex van der Zwaan, Paul Manafort Organizations: Alfa Bank, Carnegie Center in Washington, American Jewish Congress, McLarty Associates, LetterOne, Kennedy Center
India: Remixed oil to sell to Europe (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: India: Remix di petrolio per vendere in Europa / RUS: Индия: ремикс нефти для продажи в Европу (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: India, China People: Ursula von der Leyen Organizations: European Commission
Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and Germany: 2022 - Increase in imports of Russian products (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and Germany: 2022 - Aumento delle importazioni dei prodotti russi / RUS: Бельгия, Нидерланды, Испания и Германия: 2022 год – Увеличение импорта российской продукции (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Turckey, Brazil, China, Japan People: -- Organizations: Governments, ALROSA
Finland: a little help to save the Kremlin oligarch's money (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Finland: un piccolo aiuto per salvare i soldi dell’oligarca del Cremlino / RUS: Финляндия: маленькая помощь в спасении денег кремлевского олигарха (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland People: Timo Kalliomäki, Pekki Vasara Organizations: Bank Suupohjan Osuuspankki
Ukrainian tanks loaded with Russian fuel (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Carri armati ucraini caricati con carburante russo / RUS: Украинские танки с российским топливом (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Ucraine, Polonia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, India People: -- Organizations: MOL
Estonia: the profit on the repressions in Russia and Belarus (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: il profitto sulle repressioni in Russia e Belorussia / RUS: Эстония: нажива на репрессиях в России и Белоруссии (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Country: Estonia People: Kaja Kallas, Arvo Hallik Organizations: Metaprint, Stark Logistics, Tyumen Aerosols
Latvia: EU funding for Kremlin oligarchs and organized crime (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Latvia: finanziamenti EU per oligarchi di Kremlino e crimine organizzato / RUS: Латвия: ЕС финансирует кремлевских олигархов и организованную преступность (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Latvia, Estonia, Litva, Czech Republic People: Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrei Bokarev, Stanislav Vodolazsky, Sergeyus (or Sergius) Grechukas, Igor Lozovoy, Tatyana Liksutova Organizations: Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca (RER), TransComponent Holding LLC, Violan LLC, Elarium LLC, UMMC, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transmashholding, Ministry of Defence (Russia), Moscow Krona Grup, Mosmetrostroy, Central Suburban Passenger Company (CPPK), Fredlake Holdings
EU continues to purchase Russian gas through Turkey and Ukraine (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU continua l'acquisto del gas russo tramite Turchia e Ucraina / RUS: ЕС продолжает закупать российский газ через Турцию и Украину (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: EU People: Top executives EU Organizations: upon definition
Germany: AfD (Political Party Alternative for Germany) (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Germania: AfD / RUS: Германия: AfD (Альтернатива для Германии) (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, Italy, EU People: Vladimir Sergienko, Alexander Gauland, Harald Weill, Ulrich Oyme, Gianluca Savoini, Claudio D'Amico, Matteo Salvini, Sargis Mirzakhanyan, Markus Frohnmeier Organizations: AfD (Political party - Alternative for Germany), Lega Nord, Council of Europe
France: Milirary support for the best friend (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: France: Supporto bellico per il miglior amico / RUS: Франция: военная поддержка для лучшего друга (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: France, UAE, China, India, Italy People: Mark Rocky, Maxim Ermakov, Denis Sugrue, Anna Luzhanskaya, Ruodan Z Organizations: Ommic, Istok (Rostec), Amideon Systems, Fly Bridge, Amideon Systems, Citi
Stanford "Experts" Group: Sanctions that saved putin and kept the war going (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Stanford "Experts" Group: Sanzioni che hanno salvato putin e hanno fatto continuare la guerra / RUS: Стэнфордская группа «экспертов»: Санкции, которые спасли путина и обеспечили продолжение войны (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, European Union, Ukraine People: Sergey Guriyev, Sergey Aleksashenko, Anders Aslund, full list of experts is available on each document - links are inside the article Organizations: Stanford
USA, Judiciary Commission: FBI, Kremlin, Ukrainian secret services and world censorship (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: USA, Commissione Giudiziaria: FBI, Cremlino, servizi segreti ucraini e la censura del mondo / RUS: США, Судебная комиссия: ФБР, Кремль, украинские спецслужбы и мировая цензура
Countries: EU, USA, Ukraine People: [ongoing process and investigation] Organizations: FSB, SBU, FBI, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
Newsweek: Secret CIA-Moscow deal for war in Europe (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Newsweek: L'accordo segreto tra CIA e Mosca per la guerra in Europa / RUS: Newsweek: Секретная сделка ЦРУ и Москвы о войне в Европе (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA People: William Burns Organizations: CIA
Fiscal Paradise: Rescue of art investments for Kremlin oligarch (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Fiscal Paradise: Salvataggio degli investimenti nell'arte per oligarca di Kremlino / RUS: Финансовый рай: спасение инвестиций в искусство для кремлевского олигарха (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countires: Cyprus, Jersey Island, British Virgin Islands, UK People: Roman Abramovich, Daria Zhukova, Sandford Heller Organizations: MeritServus HC Limited, Cyprus Ermis Trust Settlement
Litva: EU citizenship for the children of Kremlin oligarch Abramovich (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Litva: Cittadinanza EU per i figli dell'oligarca di Kremlino Abramovich / RUS: Литва: гражданство ЕС для детей кремлевского олигарха Абрамовича (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countires: Litva, Jersey Island People: Roman Abramovich, Arkady and Anna Abramovich Organizations: Government, Emigration Department, Grano Trust Fund
Predators from KGBistan: Finnish citizen Timchenko - Part 2 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Predators from KGBistan: Il cittadino finlandese Timchenko - Parte 2 / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: гражданин Финляндии Тимченко - Часть 2 (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland, China, UK, Uzbekistan, Denmark, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Panama, Hong Kong, British Virgin Islands, Estonia, Cyprus, UAE People: Ivan Yegorov, Stanislav Gorbunov, Billy Yang Yuu Ngok, Elisabeth Kolarov, Daniel Kolarov, Bakhtiyor Fazylov, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Mikhail Semenov, Aida Chachkhalia, Vladimir Pinchuk, Oleg Usachev, Sergey Sharapov, Roman Rotenmberg, Alexander Medvedev Organizations: Society Zvezda, Crudex, Gunvor, Monterell, Arcane Product Trading, Talmay Trading, Dan-Bukering, Transneft, Elser Systems, Bielor Asset, SCI Belize, SCP Belize Holdings, Uzbekneftegaz, SET Petrochemicals, Surgutneftegaz, Rosneft, Gazprom, Gazli Gas Storag JSC, Kunlun Red Star Investment, Forus, Surgutex, Gazprombank, Borealis Investment
EU & USA: $1,7 billion for Rosatom (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU e USA: $1,7 milliardi per Rosatom / RUS: ЕС и США: 1,7 миллиарда долларов для Росатома (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: EU, USA People: -- Organizations: Governments
Estonia: KGBistan Chief's Yacht Care (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: cura dello yacht del capo di KGBistan / RUS: Эстония: Уход за яхтой начальника КГБистана (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia, Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, UAE People: Alexander Mozhaiskiy, Gennady Timchenko, Petr Kolbin, Crew Graceful -20 people, Valeria Trach, Alexey V.Kravchenko, Annalisa Mutti, Zyuganov Maksim, Sergei Tsekmazov, Redichkin Vitaliy, Arkady Rotenberg Organizations: Blohm + Voss, Olneil Assets Corp, Mischositos Investment, azienda Argument, Evolution yachts, S.L avda, Breezemarine Group LTD, Floating Life Italy s.r.l, Distinto Grupp OU, Isida Ltd, Ankargo Lojistik Hizm Tic LTD, Land Marine DMCC
Estonia: Prime Minister's family and business in Russia (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Estonia: Famiglia del Primo Ministro e business in Russia / RUS: Эстония: Семья и бизнес премьер-министра в России (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia People: Arvo Hallik, Kristjan Kraag, Kaja Kallas Organizations: Stark Logistics, Stark Warehousing OÜ, Novaria Consult
Estonia: Hypocrites of War (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: Ipocriti della guerra / RUS: Эстония: лицемеры войны (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: Estonia, Litva People: Arvo Hallik, Kaja Kallas Organizations: Vičiūnai, Stark Logistics, Stark Warehousing OÜ,
Estonia: Metaprint, sanctioned oligarch and family of Kaja Kallas (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: Metaprint, oligarca sanzionato e famiglia di Kaja Kallas / RUS: Эстония: Метапринт, попавший под санкции олигарх и семья Каи Каллас (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia People: Martti Lemendik, Sergei Anatolyevich Kolesnikov Organizations: Metaprint LLC, TN-Alabuga, TechnoNIKOL
EU: lobbyists help Kremlin oligarchs remove sanctions (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EU: lobbisti aiutano oligarchi di Kremlino a rimuovere sanzioni / RUS: ЕС: лоббисты помогают кремлевским олигархам снять санкции (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium, USA People: Claude Monique, Kenneth Raposa, Grigory Berezkin Organizations: Forbes Magazine, Politico Magazine, European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC)
EUSSR or Euro-Oligarchical Reich? Discrimination against the poor and favoring rich thieves and accomplices of murderers (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EUSSR or Euro-Oligarchical Reich? Discriminazione dei poveri e favoreggiamento dei ricchi ladri e complici degli assassini / RUS: ЕCССР или евроолигархический рейх? Дискриминация бедных и поддержка богатых воров и сообщников убийц (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: EU People: Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borrell, Frans Timmermans, Margrethe Vestager, Valdis Dombrovskis, Věra Jourová, Margaritīs Schoinas, Maroš Šefčovič, Dubravka Šuica, Johannes Hahn, Didier Reynders, Marija Gabriel, Stella Kyriakidou, Kadri Simson, Jutta Urpilainen, Thierry Breton, Mairead McGuinness, Paolo Gentiloni, Virginijus Sinkevičius, Nicolas Schmit, Helena Dalli, Janusz Wojciechowski, Elisa Ferreira, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Janez Lenarčič, Ylva Johansson, Olivér Várhelyi Organizations: European Commission
EU: The protection of the super-privileged caste - predatory oligarchs (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU: La tutela della casta dei super privilegiati - oligarchi predatori / RUS: ЕС: Защита сверхпривилегированной касты – хищных олигархов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: EU People: EU bureaucrats: Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borrell, Frans Timmermans, Margrethe Vestager, Valdis Dombrovskis, Věra Jourová, Margaritīs Schoinas, Maroš Šefčovič, Dubravka Šuica, Johannes Hahn, Didier Reynders, Marija Gabriel, Stella Kyriakidou, Kadri Simson, Jutta Urpilainen, Thierry Breton, Mairead McGuinness, Paolo Gentiloni, Virginijus Sinkevičius, Nicolas Schmit, Helena Dalli, Janusz Wojciechowski, Elisa Ferreira, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Janez Lenarčič, Ylva Johansson, Olivér Várhelyi // Kremlin oligarchs: Leonid Mikhelson, Vagit Alekperov, Vladimir Lisin, Vladimir Potanin, Viktor Vekselberg, Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrey Bokarev, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Aras Agalarov, Albert Avdolyan, Sergey Adonyev, God Nisanov, Alexey Repik, Sergey Gordeev, Igor Yusufov // Chekist junta collaborators's families: Anastasia Zadorina, Sergei Naryshkin, Sergei Shoigu, Yuri Borisov, Pavel Fedyaev, Dmitry Sablin - Alla Nalcha, Alexei Chepa, Anatoly Vyborny, Valentina Tereshkova, Andrei Skoch, Valentina Matvienko, Vyacheslav Timchenko, Vladimir Dzhabarov Organizations: European Commission, Sibur, Novatek, Lukoil, Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant (NLMK), Norilsk Nickel, Rusal
Latvia: microchip for the war (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Latvia: microchip per la guerra / RUS: Латвия: микрочипы для войны (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Latvia People: Pyotr Shumov Organizations: Lesta-M Company LLC, Alpha LLC, Alfa-LR LLC, RD ALFA Mikroelektronikas Dipartiment, Dalian Stella Trading Co. Ltd, ALFA RPAR, Liaoning Jinhechuang Logistics Co. Ltd, Riga Semiconductor, JSC Research Institute of Electronic Devices (NIIEP), Tekhmash, Rostec, Izhevsk Kupol (IEMZ JSC), Ufa Instrument-Making Production Association, UOMZ, Rostec "State Ryazan Instrument Plant" (GRPZ), OJSC Radiopribor, Stelmakh
NATO countries: cereal trade and family trips of the Chekist intelligence chief (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: NATO countries: commercio di cereali e viaggi di famiglia del capo di Intelligence chekista / RUS: Страны НАТО: торговля крупами и семейные поездки начальника чекистской разведки (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: France, USA, Canada, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Hungary People: Sergei Naryshkin, Veronica Naryshkina, Svetlana Naryshkina, Andrey Naryshkin Organizations: Agro-Alliance, Auchan, Zenith Foods LLC, Krasnyi Oktyabr Inc, East-West Foods Distribution Inc., Posylka.de GmbH, Mziuri LLC, Kogan Petr Kappi.
Reuters special report (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Speciale rapporto di Reuters / RUS: Специальный репортаж агентства Reuters (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: Turkey, Germany, USA, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Seychelles, People: Gokturk Agvaz, Huma Gulum Ulucan, Kirill Nosov, Pere Roura Cano, Aleksandr Kotelnikov, Grigory Grigoriev, Evgeny Krivosheev, Aleksandr Fomenko, Andrei Kuznetsov, Nadejda Shevchenko Organizations: Azu International Ltd Sti, Smart Impex GmbH, Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD), Texas Instruments Inc, Analog Devices Inc., Infineon AG, OOO Fortap, Bion Group Ltd Sti, OOO Titan-Micro, Pixel Devices Ltd, Bigfish Investments Ltd, Asia Global Neolink Pte Ltd, White Wings Ltd, OOO KompLiga, OOO Novelco, Smart Trading Ltd Sti, F+ tech, Elmec Trade Oü, AO GK Radiant, Titan-Micro, Sinno Electronics Co Ltd,
World: supplies of microelectronics for criminal warfare (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: World: forniture di microelettronica per la guerra criminale / RUS: Мир: поставки микроэлектроники для криминальной войны (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Japan, Switzerland, USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Finland People: Nepershin, Victoria Demyanova, Oleg Shatybelko, Peter Vernik, Irina Averichkina, Olga Butyrina, Alexey Butyrin, Ella Schlothauer, M. V. Protsenko, Boris Obnosov, Olga Zorikova, Karen Gharibyan, Ruben Gharibyan, Alexander Fishchenko, Alexander Brazhnikov Organizations: Sony, STMicroelectronics, Saito Seisakusho, Spets-Elektronkomplekt (Spets-EK), Severny Raid, Vector Research Institute, Kaluga Electromechanical Plant, Abracon Corp, Samtec, Molex, Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant, Avtomatika (Rostec), Cree Inc, Golden Ball, Vicor Corporation, Fiolent, NTI Energy, Siemens, General Electric, NTI GmbH, Texas Instruments, Start, NII Vector, Tactical missile weapons, Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) (Rostec), Radiopriborsnab, RTKT Limited, Analog devices, NPP Svyaz, Apex System, ARC Electronics
World: supplies for Rostec (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: World: forniture per Rostec / RUS: Мир: поставки для Ростеха (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, Hong-Kong, Turkey, China People: Daria Khorkina, Guzel Agzamova, Spartak Antikovich Khaidarov, Dmitry Rebus, Mustafa Cankat Aytek, Nile Orkun Aytek, Yuri Zhukov Organizations: Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET), the Kaluga Radioengineering Scientific Research Institute (KNIRTI), American Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Microchip Technology, Xilinx, Texas Instruments, Swiss ST Microelectronics, the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant, Ekran Research Institute, Radiopriborsnab, Testkomplekt, Okeanpribor, Yantar Baltic, Promtechnosert, Tordan Industry Limited, Turkik Union And Dijital Teknoloji, Atilla Ayteks, United Electronics Group Company Limited
USA & Europe: stuffing for killer drones (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: USA & Europe: ripieno per droni-assassini / RUS: США и Европа: начинка для дронов-убийц (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: China, USA, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, People: Alexey Terentyev, Oleg Tsarik, Roman Agafonnikov, Dmitry Agafonnikov, Irina Khrestsova, Pavel Khrestsov, Arkady Slepenkov, Irina Shikhaleva, Alexander Shepilov, Alexander Belyaev, Anton Trofimov, Igor Kazhdan (Alex Stanton), Stepan Mostov Organizations: Special Technology Center, Ricetrasmettitore RF configurabile - Analog Devices, Microchip Technology, Renesas Electronics Corporation, Gumstix, Pulse Electronics Corporation, JST Mfg, TDK Corporation, NXP Semiconductors, u-blox, Texas Instruments, Qorvo, STMicroelectronics, Semtech Corporation, Tai-Saw Technology, Traco Power Company, Saito Seiaskusho, SanDisk Corporation, Altera, Linear Technology Corporation, Xilinx, Special Technology Center (STC), Guangzhou Ausay Technology, Getac, Micron Technology, Mini-Circuits, SMT-Ilogic, Asia Pacific Links, Vishay, Cypress Semiconductor, Peregrine Semiconductor, New Blockchain Advisory, Ik Tech,
Germany: Support for the military-industrial complex (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Germany: supporto per il complesso militare-industriale / RUS: Германия: Поддержка военно-промышленного комплекса (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, Israel People: Rüdiger von Fritsch, Andrey Sokolov = Andrey Goldman, Natalya Sokolova = Natalya Goldman, Rustam Alyautdinov, Alexandra Yakovleva, Organizations: DMG MORI, Rostec: United Aircraft Corporation and United Engine Corporation, DMG MORI RUS LLC, Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant LLC, Service Pro LLC, Service Plus LLC, PARS LLC, Dm Technologies LLC, Finval Energo JSC, JSC “MMP di V.V. Chernyshev", JSC "Stankotekh", Ufa Engine Production Association, JSC "218 Aviation Repair Plant", JSC “ODK-STAR”, Almaz-Antey, Tactical missile armament, Mashpriborintorg-Volna LLC, PJSC Yakovlev, Fisher Spindel Technology LLC,
Europe, USA, Canada, Japan: sale of parts for Iranian drones used by the Kremlin (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Europe, USA, Canada, Japan: vendita di pezzi per droni iraniani utilizzati dal Cremlino / RUS: Европа, США, Канада, Япония: продажа запчастей для иранских дронов, используемых Кремлем (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland People: --- Organizations: Ti Automotive GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG, TI Fluid Systems, STMicroelectronics, International Rectifier, U-blox,
Kazakhstan: smuggling of microchips and drones (ENG version link is inside Italian article)/ ITA: Kazakistan: contrabbando di microchip e droni / RUS: Казахстан: контрабанда микрочипов и дронов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: China, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan, Armenia, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, USA, People: Ilya Golberg, Mikhail Sapozhnikov, Andrei Mezhevykh, Ilya Silnitsky, Sergei Efremenkov, Evgeniy and Elena Chernet, Alexander Chernet, Dastan Akhmatbekov, Organizations: DJI, Rostec, Celestial mechanics, Aspan Arba, DJ Ars Moscow, Roscosmos, Stack, Moscow Projector Plant, Set-1, Elix-St, Elix-M, Tactical Missile Arms Corporation, OKB im. Sukhoi, Da Group 22, Analog Devices, Infineon, Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, Prime-Ek, Penza Elektropribor, Avtomatika (Rostec),
Finland: Gas and oligarchs (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Finland: Gas e oligarchi / RUS: Финляндия: Газ и олигархи (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: Finland People: Leonid Mikhelson Organizations: Gasum, Kryogaz-Vysotsk, Novatec, Gazprom Export, Gazprom
Germany - Finland: luxury car traffic (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Germany - Finland: traffico di auto di lusso / RUS: Германия – Финляндия: доставка роскошных автомобилей (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany, Finland, Canada People: --- Organizations: Deluxauto Incorporated, DeLux-Auto Logistic
Canada: millionaire trade and secret permits to evade sanctions (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Canada: commercio milionario e permessi segreti per eludere le sanzioni / RUS: Канада: торговля на миллионы и секретные разрешения для избежания санкций (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Canada People: Justin Trudeau Organizations: Trudeau's Government
Sechin and Russian oil that travels freely around the world (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Sechin e il petrolio russo che viaggia liberamente per il mondo / RUS: Сечин и российская нефть, свободно путешествующая по миру (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Pakistan, Switzerland, UAE People: Murtaza Lakhani Orgaizations: Mercantile & Maritime Group (M&M), Fossil Trading, Energopole SA
Latvia, Litva etc: Wines for every taste and budget (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Latvia, Litva etc: Vini per ogni gusto e budget / RUS: Латвия, Литва и т. д.: Вина на любой вкус и кошелек (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Latvia, Litva, Georgia, Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Chile, Portugal, Armenia, Greece, Turkey People: -- Organizations: --
Sweden: Steel trafficking via third countries (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Sweden: traffico di acciaio tramite paesi terzi / RUS: Швеция: торговля сталью через третьи страны (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Sweden, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan People: --- Organizations: SSAB
Poland, Germany etc: parts for Kinzhal missiles (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Poland, Germany etc: pezzi per i missili Kinzhal / RUS: Польша, Германия и др.: детали для ракет «Кинжал» (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Sweden, China, Poland, Germany, Litva, Latvia, Belgium, UK People: Sergei Pitikov Organizations: Rostec, Mikron, Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau Corporation (JSC NPK KBM), ETC Electronics Limited, ETC Electronics LLC, Epsec, Ostek-Test LLC, KEB-Rus LLC, IR-Logistik GMBH, Mir Machine Operator LLC, JSC Radiant-EK, Advantek Gmbh, Sonatek LLC, UAB Breitto (Litva), Baltic Shipping Agency LTD Sp. z o.o. (Poland), UAB “CUST LT” (Litva), Hermis Ekspo SIA (Latvia), Groupe D'Investissement Financier SA (Belgium), Aberlink Ltd (UK)
Czech Republic: "OK" to traffic of stolen oil (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Czech Republic: "OK" al traffico di petrolio rubato / RUS: Чехия: «ОК» торговле краденой нефтью (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Czech Republic, Switzerland, Cyprus, Virgin British Islands People: Gennady Timchenko, Lev Tolkachev, Sergei Grzhelyak Organizations: Normeston Trading, Transneft, Lukoil, Rumos-auto, Rumos Trading, Novatek Gas&Power, Aloil, Tatneft, Zarubezhneft (Orenburgnefteotdacha, Ulyanovskneftegaz)
Czech Republic: "OK" to traffick of stolen gas (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Czech Republic: "OK" al traffico del gas rubato / RUS: Чехия: «ОК» контрабанде украденного газа (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Czech Republic People: Josef Sikela Organizations: Gazprom
Bulgaria: 1 billion euros for oil with special permission from Brussels (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Bulgaria: 1 miliardo di euro per petrolio con il permesso speciale di Bruxelles / RUS: Болгария: 1 миллиард евро за нефть со специального разрешения Брюсселя (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Bulgaria, Belgium, European Union, Greece, Netherlands People: Ursula von der Leyen Organizations: European Commission, LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas, Litasco S.A., Seaexpress, Thenamaris Ship Management
Italy: ENI works together with the ecocide LUKOIL in Africa (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Italy: L'ENI lavora insieme con l'ecocida LUKOIL in Africa / RUS: Италия: ENI работает вместе с экоцидным ЛУКОЙЛом в Африке (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK, Congo, Italy People: Ivan Romanovsky Organizations: New Age M12 Holdings Limited, African Energy Chamber (AEC), Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC), Eni Congo, Lukoil
Belgium: 2022 - Country drugged by Russian diamonds [stolen] (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Belgium: 2022 - Paese narcotizzato da diamanti russi [rubati] / RUS: Бельгия: 2022 год – Страна, наркотизированная российскими алмазами [украденными] (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium, European Union People: -- Organizations: ALROSA, European Commission
Belgium: Trafficking of stolen diamonds and the plan for expropriation of the expropriated (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Belgium: Traffico di diamanti rubati e il piano per espropriazione del espropriato / RUS: Бельгия: Торговля украденными алмазами и план экспроприации экспроприированного (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium People: Alexander de Croo Organizations: Government, Alrosa
Maxi profits for gas and oil in 2022 (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Nel 2022 maxi profitti per gas e petrolio / RUS: Максимальная прибыль по газу и нефти в 2022 году (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: EU, USA, UK People: -- Organizations: Governments
13 billion euros for the trafficking of stolen resources and also "under sanctions" (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: 13 miliardi di euro per il traffico delle risorse rubate e anche "sotto sanzioni" / RUS: Европа: 13 миллиардов евро за ворованные натуральные ресурсы, которые "под санкциями"
Countries: EU, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece, Netherlands People: David O'Sullivan, Hildegard Bentele, Sergei Chemezov, Oleg Deripaska, Organizations: European Union, European Commission, Vsmpo-Avisma, Rostec, Airbus, Rusal, GGP Metal Powder, Safran, Elval Halcor, C. Steinweg, Nornickel
Cyprus: services for oligarchs (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Cyprus: servizi per oligarchi / RUS: Кипр: услуги для олигархов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Cyprus, Germany, British Virgin Islands People: Alexey Mordashov, Maria Mordashova, Alexander Abramov, Alexander Frolov, Kyriakos Iordanou Organizations: PricewaterhouseCoopers, TUI Group, Cypcodirect Ltd, Cypriot Moravian Limited, Finassets Limited, Hanover Public Prosecutor’s Office
Who is helping Putin? Germany: lifting of sanctions on oligarch Usmanov (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files)/ ITA: Who is helping putin? Germany: revoca delle sanzioni all'oligarca Usmanov / RUS: Кто помогает Путину? Германия: снятие санкций с олигарха Усманова (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Germany People: Alisher Usmanov Organizations: District Court of Frankfurt am Main
25 European companies: supplies for the Russian armed forces (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: 25 European companies: forniture per le forze armate russe / RUS: 25 европейских компаний: поставки для российских вооруженных сил (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Italy, Germany, Austria, Litva, Swizzerland, Slovakia, France, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, People: Vladimir Artyakov, Sergey Muratov, Yuri Borisov, Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrei Bokarev Organizations: Stan LLC, Rostec, Vansped Logistics, Reißaus & Baumberg Maschinenbau GmbH, 123rd Aviation Repair Plant (Ministry of Defense), Tactical Missiles Corporation, PO Strela, Kometa Corporation (part of the Almaz-Antey Corporation), JSC “Marine Underwater Arms - Hydropribor”, Admiralty Shipyards JSC, JSC NIKIET, JSC Uralvagonzavod Research and Production Corporation, ODK-Kuznetsov PJSC, Donobuv, Jakob KECK Chemie GmbH, Salamander SPS GmbH & Co. KG, Tacchificio Campliglionese, Faraday, Suolificio Morrovallese, Formificio Milanese Team, Hawai Italia, Sammi Export, Cunial Components, Jakob KECK Chemie GmbH, Conceria Cervinia, Export-Import (Slovakia), MONETA SK spol, NPP Class, Minelli Carmello, JSC Information Satellite Systems (ISS), Radiall S.A, Marchante, JSC Lomo, Marker Nordic Ou, JSC NTC Modul, E-tec Interconnect AG, Aluminiumarugyar Zrt, Rusbal, JSC Kolomensky Zavod, Sipavag AG (Switzerland), D.Kudarauskienes Warehouse (Litva), Austria’s Geislinger GmbH (Austria), Heinrich Eibach GmbH (Germany), HOERBIGER Wien GmbH (Austria), Poland’s Piston Ring Manufacturer Prima (Poland)
Switzerland: trafficking of stolen money - 2 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Switzerland: traffico di soldi rubati - 2 / RUS: Швейцария: потоки украденных денег - 2
Countries: Switzerland People: Thomas Gottstein, Michael Lauber, Patrick Lamon, n.d - a Russia expert from the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) Organizations: Credit Suisse, n.d- Banks, The Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona
EU: 6 billion euros for gas in 2023 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU: 6 miliardi di euro per il gas nel 2023 / RUS: ЕС: 6 миллиардов евро на газ в 2023 году (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium, Spain, France, Estonia, Litva, UK People: -- Organizations: Governments, Shell
Finland: gas imports will continue for many years (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Finland: l'importazione di gas continuerà per tanti anni / RUS: Финляндия: импорт газа продолжится еще долгие годы (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland People: Kai Mykkänen Organizations: Government, Gasum, Gazprom
UK: The British Treasury is aiding putin's oligarchs (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: Il Tesoro britannico e favoreggiamento per gli oligarchi di putin / RUS: Великобритания: Министерство финансов Великобритании помогает путинским олигархам (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK People: Mikhail Fridman, Pyotr Aven, Stephen Gaither Organizations: HM Treasury
Who will be lobbying Putin? UK: Former head of British Justice serving oligarchs (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Who will be lobbying putin? UK: Ex capo della Giustizia Britannica al servizio di oligarchi / RUS: Кто будет лоббировать Путина? Великобритания: бывший глава британской юстиции на службе олигархов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK People: Brandon Lewis, Mikhail Fridman, Pyotr Aven, Mervyn Davies Organizations: Government, LetterOne, Bergo Holdings
EU: Oil and gas equipment sales despite sanctions (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EU: Vendite di attrezzature per petrolio e gas nonostante le sanzioni / RUS: ЕС: Продажи нефтегазового оборудования несмотря на санкции (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: European Union, USA, Italy, Germany People: Leonid Mikhelson Organizations: Arctic LNG 2, PJSC Novatek, Baker Hughes, Nuovo Pignone, Ansaldo Energia, Officine Ram Power, Linde, SVT, Mek Piping, Siemens, REP Holding, Gazprom Energoholding, KCA Deutag, Bentec, Aris Oilfield Tools, KATT GmbH, Schlumberger
EU: growth of Russian nuclear fuel imports in 2023 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU: crescita delle importazioni di combustibile nucleare russo nel 2023 / RUS: ЕС: Рост импорта российского ядерного топлива в 2023 году (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: European Union, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, France, Sweden, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan People: Stefano Ciccarello Organizations: Rosatom, Euratom Supply Agency (ESA), FORTUM.HE,
EU, Japan and Korea: Tanks for the war in Ukraine (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: EU, Japan and Corea: Carri armati per la guerra in Ucraina / RUS: ЕС, Япония и Корея: Танки для войны в Украине (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Italy, Estonia, Germany, Japan, Serbia, Latvia, Litva, USA, Finland, Austria, South Korea People: Alexander Potapov, Polina Potapova, Vyacheslav Menshov, Oleg Kochetkov, Vladislav Matusevich, Andrey Matusevich, Anatoly Naumov, Oleg Fishelev, Igor Fishelev Organizations: Uralvagonzavod, Rosoboronzakaz, Italian Institute Marangoni, M.T.S.R.L. da San Giovanni in Marignano (Rimini), IPK Finval JSC, VOMZ, Tactical Missiles Corporation, Pumori-North-West LLC, Norblast S.R.L. (Bologna), C.M.S. S.P.A. Da Zogno (Bergamo), Devco S.R.L. (Paderno Dugnano, Milan), Gruppo Magido di Trezzano sul Naviglio, Gold Solution OU, Leolart.com, Alekon OU, Sumar Tools OU, Invest-Stanko LLC, Elsorel OU, Oryol Proton-Electrotex, Proton JSC, WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH, Penza LLC TD SMS, Oxapa GmbH di Jena, LLC NPK Makrooptika Ryazan, Rudi Gebel Gmbh & Co. Kg, Mabuchi Korea Corporation, Seolino Industry Inc., Udmurt JSC Elekond, Japan Industrial Trading, Kaga Electronics, Grindex D.O.O., Krona LLC, Virtus Zemun, Baltic Machinery, UAB Didneriai, UAB Elfanta, Unimatika, EMCO GmbH di Hallein, Emko-Rus, EMCO GmbH, Universal Photonics, Morion JSC, TPK RZM LLC, Meconet OY, Almaz-Antey, JSC TD Proton-Electrotex
EU: Russian wheat imports resumed (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EU: riprese le importazioni di grano russo / RUS: ЕС: Русский импорт пшеницы возобновился (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: European Union People: Oksana Lut Organizations: Russian Ministry of Agriculture
US & EU: 1.7 billion for microchips in 2023 (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: US & EU: 1,7 miliardi per microchip nel 2023 / RUS: США и ЕС: 1,7 миллиарда долларов на микрочипы в 2023 году (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, China, Turkey, UAE People: ---- Organizations: Realtek Semiconductor Corp, Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices, Analog Devices Inc., Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), STMicroelectronics NV (Netherlands-Switzerland), NXP Semiconductors NV (Netherlands)
Global world: China and Morocco online stores for the import of goods (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Global world: Negozi online di Cina e Marocco per l'mporto dei merci / RUS: Глобальный мир: Интернет-магазины Китая и Марокко импорт товаров (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: China, Morocco, Costa Rica, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Malaysia People: -- Organizations: Convex, ProSoft, Invent Maroc, Texas Instruments, Intel, NXP, Russian Nag, OCS Distribution, 3Logic Distribution, 4Telecom, HP, Juniper, Ericsson e Nokia.
USA: the import of Russian oil (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: USA: L'importazione del petrolio russo / RUS: США: импорт русской нефти (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: USA People: --- Organizations: ---
Belgium: GRU's hideout (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Belgium: Il covo di GRU / RUS: Бельгия: логово ГРУ (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Belgium People: Viktor Labin, Ruslan Labin Organizations: Groupe d'Investissement Financier, Sonatek LLC, Tomelleri Engineering (Italy), Messtechnik (Germany), Aberlink (UK),
Latvia: The MEP sent reports to the Kremlin (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Latvia: L'eurodeputato mandava i rapporti nel Kremlino / RUS: Латвия: Депутат Европарламента направил отчеты в Кремль (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Latvia People: Tatiana Zhdanok, Dmitry Gladey, Sergei Beltyukov Organizations: European Parliament, Greens/European Russia Alliance
Finland: 3500 drones and 3 million euros (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Finland: 3500 droni e 3 milioni di euro / RUS: Финляндия: 3500 дронов и 3 миллиона евро (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland People: Gabriel Temin Organizations: Luminor, Siberica,
UK: Oligarchs, oil and construction in occupied Ukraine (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: Oligarchi, petrolio e costruzioni in Ucraina occupata / RUS: Великобритания: Олигархи, нефть и строительство в оккупированной Украине (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: UK, Malta, Cyprus, People: Sergey Kolesnikov, Nicola Sturgeon Organizations: Morgan Stanley, Allen & Overy, Inflection Management, Astrakhan Oil Corporation (AOC), Southern Oil Company (UNK), Shearman & Sterling, TechnoNicol
UK: For some, war generates staggering profits (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: Per qualcuno la guerra genera profitti da capogiro / RUS: Великобритания: Некоторым война приносит ошеломляющие прибыли (перевод на русский язык на данный момент в блоге отсутствует)
Countries: UK, Panama, UAE, USA, India, Hong Kong People: Byron Davies, Guy Opperman Organizations: Group of P&I Clubs, NorthStandard, Rosneft, Vadinar (Gujarat), Buena Vista Shipping, Affinity Shipping
UK: £569 million for Russian sanctioned oil (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: £569 milioni per il petrolio russo sanzionato / RUS: Великобритания: 569 миллионов фунтов стерлингов за российскую подсанкционную нефть (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: UK People: -- Organizations: Government, Oil trader companies
Estonia: 2 years of war - Trade continues (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: 2 anni di guerra - Il commercio continua / RUS: Эстония: 2 года войны – торговля продолжается (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia People: Oleg Osinovsky, Indrek Paal Organizations: Baltic Bearing Factory, Estel, Vero Logistics (former Skinest Wood)
EU: 42.4 million cubic meters/day of gas (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EU: 42,4 milioni di metri cubi/giorno di gas / RUS: ЕС: 42,4 миллиона кубических метров газа в сутки (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: European Union, Ucraine People: -- Organizations: --
UK: More than 100 companies trade under sanctions (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: UK: Piu di 100 companie commerciano sotto sanzioni / RUS: Великобритания: более 100 компаний торгуют под санкциями (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: United Kingdom, China People: --- Organizations: Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) (Scotland), Beijing Jianguang Asset Management
Estonia: Transport of minerals for oligarch Usmanov (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: Trasporto di minerali per oligarca Usmanov / RUS: Эстония: Транспортировка полезных ископаемых для олигарха Усманова (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia, Latvia People: Oleg Osinovsky, Veronika Osinovskaya, Alisher Usmanov, Indrek Paal, Mihkel Veski, Reilly Rand Organizations: Vero Logistics OÜ (Skinest Wood), Vero Trade
EU: Court saves son of Russian oligarch - Swiss citizen (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: EU: La corte salva il figlio di un oligarca russo - cittadino svizzero / RUS: ЕС: Суд спас сына российского олигарха - гражданина Швейцарии (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Switzerland People: Alexander Pumpyansky, Dmitry Pumpyansky Organizations: Pipe Metallurgical Company
Norway: Diplomats in business with chekists for oil deals (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Norway: Diplomatici in affari con chekisti per affari di petrolio / RUS: Норвегия: Дипломаты ведут бизнес с чекистами по нефтяным сделкам (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Norway, British Virgin Islands, Cyprus People: Andrei Patrushev, Andrei Dovnarovich, Rustam Romanenkov, Denis Krylov, Oyvind Nordsletten, Gunnar Nordsletten, Joseph Levinson, Anastasia Levinson Organizations: Marine Arctic Geological Exploration Expedition (MAGE), Arctic Initiatives, Argali Holdings, Sevnor, Novatek, Marvik Shipping, Gazprom Shelfproekt
Finland: export of products for the military industry (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Finland: esportazione di prodotti per l'industria militare / RUS: Финляндия: экспорт продукции для военной промышленности (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Finland People: -- Organizations: 20 companies (names are not indicate in the article) supplying military and intelligence products
Italy: Beretta and others continue to send weapons under the embargo (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Italy: Beretta e altri continuano a mandare gli armi sotto l'embargo / RUS: Италия: Beretta и другие продолжают отправлять оружие под эмбарго (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Germany, USA People: Mikhail Khubutia Organizations: Beretta Industrie Spa, Beretta Holding Sa, Russkiy Orel, Glock, Blaser GMBH, Barrett Firearms Company, Tikkakoski Oy
Estonia: "Green" business and business with the Kremlin (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: Estonia: Business del "verde" e affari con Kremlino / RUS: Эстония: «Зеленый» бизнес и бизнес с Кремлем (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Estonia, European Union People: Vasilios Tsianos, Sandra Sjarav Organizations: Silmet NPM, Neo Performance Materials
Taiwan: Support for military industry (ENG version link is inside Italian article) / ITA: Taiwan: Il supporto per industria militare / RUS: Тайвань: поддержка военной промышленности (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: Taiwan, China, Turkey People: Ming-Tze Yu, Huang Zhenlong Organizations: Machine Technology LLC, SSGCTM, Kometa Corporation, Almaz-Antey, Mashservice, Accutex, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Sodicom Center
European Parliament: Crime accomplices disguised as MPs (no ENG translation is currently available on Freedom Files) / ITA: European Parliament: Complici di crimini travestiti da deputati / RUS: Европарламент: сообщники преступников, замаскированные под депутатов (ссылка на статью на русском языке в итальянском переводе)
Countries: European Union People: 676 European deputies [705 European deputies - (minus) 29 deputies who signed petition to not recognise elections in Russia] Organizations: European Parliament