KGBistan: Who, What and How
ENG/ ITA/ RUS: What do you know about regime in Russia? 40+ articles from different years and authors about extrajudicial executions, ecological catastrophe, oligarchs predatory activity, who is who
WHO CREATED putin? ENG / ITA / RUS: Who helped, lobbied, collaborated, still helping, still collaborating and still sponsoring chekist regime? - List of 70+ articles from different authors, newspapers, countries
Russian Opposition: Who, What and How ENG/ ITA/ RUS: The History of Protests, Soviet Dissidents and Opposition Leaders. 35+ articles from different authors and newspapers
Russian Government vs. Russian people ENG/ ITA/ RUS: 40+ texts: articles, songs, speeches, WikiLeaks, Video grouped in 30+ posts which are telling stories of explosions, killings, tortures, kidnappings and other State terrorist activities
- - - - - - - The page will be updating with new translations and links - - - - - - -
What does it mean a 'chekist'? Hunter of men, women and children / ITA: Cosa significa un 'chekista'? Cacciatore di uomini, donne e bambini / RUS: Что значит чекист? Охотник за мужчинами, женщинами и детьми
My article is available in English, Italian and Russian
Repressions in the USSR and Russia: collective memory remembers the crimes / ITA: Repressioni in URSS e Russia: la memoria collettiva ricorda i crimini / RUS: Репрессии в СССР и России: коллективная память помнит преступления
Evgenya Lyozina's article about importance of lustrations process and how that missed step was crucial on blocking Russia's change to democratic country.
November 6, 1991 - When the rogues steered Russia off the democratic path / ITA: 6 novembre 1991 - Quando i canaglia dirottarono la Russia fuori dalla strada democratica / RUS: 6 ноября 1991 г. - Когда негодяи сбили Россию с демократического пути
Interview with Andrei Illarionov about the time and criminal steps conducted by Boris Yeltsin which brought country off the democratic path
December 26, 1991 - The end of the USSR and the beginning of the formation of KGBistan / ITA 26 dicembre 1991 - La fine dell'URSS e l'inizio della formazione KGBistan / RUS 26 декабря 1991 г. – Распад СССР и начало образования КГБистана.
Translation of the article by Evgenia Lyozina, 2021: "After the collapse of the Soviet regime, in full harmony with Herling-Grudzinski's warning, there was a gradual restoration of political police structures, but democratization did not take place. It seems that these two facts are related. Democratic transformation in Russia did not occur largely because state security structures, the backbone of Soviet communism and the most repressive institution, were not dismantled, and the employees of these structures involved in mass repression and human rights violations were not they were held accountable for their actions and retained the influence of their position. Except for fairly limited rehabilitation, no other transitional justice measures have been implemented in Russia. The conditions for the revenge of the nomenklatura and for the revenge of the special services developed in the years of perestroika."
20 October 1992 XX Trust was founded / ITA: 20 ottobre 1992 è stata fondata la XX Trust / RUS: 20 октября 1992 г. Основан XX Трест
The Mafia Corporation which control the country until now: "The XX Trust Corporation can be called the most successful Russian business project of the 20th century. It is unlikely that any other company in the world can boast such impressive professional growth of its founding fathers and their assistants. Among them: the president of the country, the first deputy prime minister of the government, the minister of finance, the director of the largest defense institute, the former head of a federal agency, etc."
I. What is KGBistan
What does it mean KGBistan? / ITA: Cosa significa KGBistan? / RUS: Что значит КГБистан?
My article is available in English, Italian and Russian
Part 2: The man who predicted it back in 1990 / ITA - Parte 2: L'uomo che lo aveva predetto gia nel 1990 / Часть 2: Человек, который предсказал это еще в 1990 году
Sergey Grigoryants was Soviet Dissident and important Human Rights Defender. (more info about him on the page Russian Opposition). These are 3 in 1 translations of his texts presented in Conferences in 1990, 1992, 2001
Part 3: The return of extrajudicial execution / ITA - Parte 3: Il ritorno della esecuzione extragiudiziale / Часть 3: Возвращение внесудебной казни
Translation of the article from 2007 about gangs created and used by secret services for extrajudicial execution which was widely performed by ChKa and NKVD in the USSR.
Part 4: A country for friends / ITA - Parte 4: Un paese per amici / Часть 4: Страна для друзей
Translation of the article from 2005 which explains in details how old putin's friends from KGB and from S-Peterburg have occupied top strategic positions at the military and natural recources management.
Part 5: The network / ITA - Parte 5: La rete / Часть 5: Сеть
2 articles from 2002 and 2004 with hundreds of names of KGB generals and their business or government activity in the period of post-USSR, early '00s.
Part 6 - The version of the magazine The Economist 2007 (link to ENG version is available inside Italian translation) / ITA: Parte 6 - La versione del giornale The Economist, 2007 / RUS: Часть 6 - Версия журнала Экономист, 2007
Very lucid analysis in the article from 2007
Part 7- Russian mafia in Spagna / ITA: Parte 7- La mafia russa in Spagna / RUS: Часть 7 - Русская мафия в Испании
Many years investigation case N.321/2006 in Spain about Russian mafia's activity in drug traffic, real estate, trade etc under the protectorate of Russian Government.
Part 8: FSB in alliance with international organized crime / ITA: Parte 8: FSB in alleanza con crimine organizzato internazionale / RUS: Часть 8: ФСБ в союзе с международной организованной преступностью
Confidential report from the Swiss Analysis and Prevention Service (DAP, now part of the Swiss Joint Counterintelligence Service), dated June 2007 was published by Open Russia
II. 20 years of KGBistan
20 years of KGBistan / ITA: Il ventennio del KGBistan / RUS: Двадцатилетие КГБистана
My first artcle in this blog which I posted 2 days before the elections in Italy. Article is a summary about state of putin's Russia. The Gulag, the fear, the censorship etc.
-2- Citizens' protests / ITA: -2- Le proteste dei cittadini / RUS: -2- Протесты граждан
A research of 20 years of protests. My article + Table with data containing hundreds of lines /Year/ Location/ Number of protesters/ 2.470+ protests inside Russia 210+ protests abroad 2 400 000+ protest participants: thousands killed, injured, arrested, jailed and tortured. Young and old, men, women and teens. Data are not complete SEE TWITTER THREAD WITH VIDEOS
-3- The blessing to make wars / ITA: -3- La benedizione per fare le guerre / RUS: -3- Благословение вести войны
Article "Profanation of Europe" by Anna Politkovskaya written on 01.09.2003 about cowardry and hypocrisy of European politicians from International Organizations in the front of terrorism organized by putin's governance. Today we know that it was due of secret agreements between chekist regime and UK's British Petroleum which helped him with military support. Read more: WHO CREATED putin?
-4- The ecological catastrophe / ITA: -4- La catastrofe ecologica / RUS: -4- Экологическая катастрофа
Translation of 2 articles and 1 interview - 2004, 2004 and 2010 - and 1 documentary film by Robert Karapetyan "People from Oil" about ecological catastrophe and ecocide of residents of village Pavlovo, Perm region, organized by oil company Lukoil.
-5- The hunt over scientists-”spies” / ITA: -5- La caccia agli scienziati-"spia" / RUS: -5- Охота на учёных-"шпионов"
The partial translation of the book by Ernst Isaakovich Cherniy from 2003 about dramatic events happened to several Russian scientists which were organized by chekist secret services.
6- Elections 2023. Violent exploitation of the elderly and disabled / ITA: -6- Elezioni 2023. Violento sfruttamento degli anziani e disabili / RUS: 6- Выборы 2023. Насильственная эксплуатация пожилых людей и инвалидов
Translation of the article from The Insider about how was organized municipal election process inside the nursing home which is managed by man who prevously worked in the prisone famous for its tortures.
7- Terrorism in Europe (link to ENG version is available inside Italian translation) / ITA: 7- Terrorismo in Europa / RUS: 7 - Терроризм в Европе
Article investibation by Michael Weiss, Roman Dobrokhotov, Christo Grozev
-8- Managing the country as an anti-terrorism operation / ITA: -8- Gestire il paese come un’operazione antiterrorismo / RUS: -8- Управление страной как антитеррористическая операция
Critical analysis of the draft of federal law No. 115259-4 “On combating terrorism” which was presented by a group of deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council on December 17, 2004
-9- The Orthodox Church as an ally / ITA: -9- La Chiesa ortodossa come alleato / RUS: -9- Православная Церковь как союзник
Translation of the Letter to putin written by Priest Georgiy Edelstein, rector of the Church of the Resurrection Karabanovo, Kostroma diocese, member of the Helsinki Group Moscow
III. Predators from KGBistan
Anna Politkovskaya: If the enemy doesn't sell himself - they destroy him / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: Se il nemico non si vende - loro lo distruggono / RUS: Анна Политковская: ЕСЛИ ВРАГ НЕ ПРОДАЕТСЯ, ЕГО УНИЧТОЖАЮТ
Article written by Anna Politkovskaya in 1999 about oligarch Roman Abramovich, his criminal activity in Siberia, tax evasion etc, etc.
1998 - The IMF credit history - Part 2/ ITA: 1998 - La storia del credito FMI - Parte 2 / RUS: 1998 - Кредитная история МВФ - Часть 2
Translation of 3 articles from 2000 which are telling story about oligarch Roman Abramovich's Swiss companies and Swiss investigators which searched for millions and expected Russian court would do justice. But judicial system in Russia was already rotten and coruupted in 2000...
Predators from KGBistan: May 26, 2003 - The Report on the State and the Oligarchy / ITA: 26 maggio 2003 - Il rapporto sullo Stato e l'Oligarchia / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: 26 мая 2003 г. - Доклад о государстве и олигархии
Famous report written by Stanislav Belkovsky about oligarchs (fridman, potanin, Khodorkovsky, abramovich, deripaska, melnichenko) their predatorial activities, anti-national interests and political ambitions.
Predators from KGBistan: Finnish citizen Timchenko / ITA: Il cittadino finlandese Timchenko / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: гражданин Финляндии Тимченко
2023 article. Timchenko is an old putin's friend. He is also from KGB. He is under sanctions but now he wants to remove them with the help of his lawyers. Translation of Novaya Gazeta's article.
Predators from KGBistan: Finnish citizen Timchenko - Part 2 / ITA: Predators from KGBistan: Il cittadino finlandese Timchenko - Parte 2 / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: гражданин Финляндии Тимченко
2023 Investigative article by The Dossier about hidden business partner for putin's old friend gas & oilman Timchenko
WikiLeaks and Russia - 10. Gunvor / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 10. Gunvor / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 10. Gunvor
Predators from KGBistan: Rotenberg Family / ITA: Predators from KGBistan: Famiglia Rotenberg / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: Семья Ротенбергов
Predators from KGBistan: Dogs of War. Which oligarchs make money by killing civilians in Ukraine? / ITA: Mastini da guerra. Quali oligarchi guadagnano uccidendo i civili in Ucraina? / RUS: Хищники из КГБистана: Псы войны. Какие олигархи зарабатывают деньги, убивая мирных жителей Украины?
Who is serving Putin? EU: The protection of the super-privileged caste - predatory oligarchs / ITA: Who is serving putin? EU: La tutela della casta dei super privilegiati - oligarchi predatori / RUS: Кто служит путину? ЕС: Защита сверхпривилегированной касты – хищных олигархов
In 2023 it is clear to everybody: European Union is protecting interest of Kremlin chekist junta, introducing sanctions which dont harm the criminal regime and violating International Law and Internationl Humanitarian Law in regard to Russian anti-war citizens which are escaping from the war, repressions and extrajudicial executions.
IV. Kremlin workers
Kremlin and creation of the Youth Comintern: Puppets for Revolutions / ITA: Cremlino e creazione del Komintern giovanile: Pupazzi per le Rivoluzioni / RUS: Кремль и создание Молодёжного Коминтерна: Марионетки революций
The history of the creation of the Left Front, an youth movement and its international branches under the project of the Presidential Administration. A kind of neo-Comintern for gathering young fanatics and carrying out terrorist and subversive activities.
Estonia: storage room for stolen money / ITA: Estonia: ripostiglio per i soldi rubati. / RUS: Эстония: хранилище украденных денег.
Anti-corruption investigation with signature of Alexey Navalny written in 2014 which tells story about Estonian Maksim Liksutov, which was deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.
The Venediktov case. When propagandists and collaborators do not want to take any responsibility / ITA: Il caso Venediktov. Quando propagandisti e collaborazionisti non vogliono assumersi alcuna responsabilità / RUS: Дело Венедиктова. Когда пропагандисты и коллаборационисты не хотят брать на себя никакой ответственности
For many years in various ways Venediktov had provided services to the Kremlin's chekist junta, but there are still many useful idiots around who consider him a member of the Russian opposition. In 2008 interview to Novaya Gazeta he was replying in a straightforward way: “Our shareholder is the Kremlin”
Who is Ilya Ponomarev ? From Leninism to Breivikism / ITA: Chi è Ilya Ponomarev ? Dal leninismo al breivikismo / RUS: Кто такой Илья Пономарев? От ленинизма к брейвикизму
Article 2022 from Libertarian media SVTV NEWS which tells story about pseudo-oppositioner figure which was for many years happy Kremlin worker, collaborating on approval of repressive legislation and establishment of chekist regime in Russia.
WikiLeaks and Russia - 5. Surkov: The builder of the "Putinism ideology" / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 5. Surkov: Il costruttore della "ideologia putinismo" / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 5. Сурков: создатель «идеологии путинизма»
Kremlin vs. Opposition: The project to discredit Alexey Navalny / ITA: Kremlin vs. Opposition: Il progetto per screditare Alexey Navalny / RUS: Кремль vs. Оппозиция: Проект по дискредитации Алексея Навального
Investigative article from The Insider written in 2019, based on leaked emails of Kremlin workers. Article tells story about all details (including budget) of defamation campaign project against opposition politician Alexey Navalny.
WikiLeaks and Russia - 7. Igor Sechin's war / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 7. La guerra di Igor Sechin / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 7. Война Игоря Сечина
Article written in collaboration between Novaya Gazeta and WikiLeaks which tells story about predatorial activity on stolen assets from arrested oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, which wasfounder and owner of YUKOS.
V. Warning articles and texts
MARCH 2000
Anna Politkovskaya: Who is Adam Deniyev? / ENG: Anna Politkovskaya: Chi è Adam Deniyev? / RUS: Анна Политковская: Кто такой Адам Дениев?
Article about one criminal man from Chechnya used from secret services as a puppet in attempt to install a new religious sect or to be proposed as a valuable alternative for political leaders
MARCH 2000
Anna Politkovskaya: FREEDOM OR DEATH? / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: LIBERTÀ O MORTE? / RUS: Анна Политковская: СВОБОДА ИЛИ СМЕРТЬ?
Article written in 2000. The denunciation of war crimes committed by Russian soldiers against the civilian population in Chechnya: Russians and Chechens.
MARCH 2000
Yuri Shchekochikhin: FSB against NTV / ITA: Yuri Shchekochikhin: FSB contro NTV / RUS: Юрий Щекочихин: ФСБ против НТВ
Yuri Petrovich Shchekochikhin (June 9, 1950, Kirovabad of the Azerbaijan SSR – July 3, 2003, Moscow) was a journalist, colleague of Anna Politkovskaya, Soviet and Russian writer and playwright, screenwriter, TV presenter, deputy of the State Duma and member of the Commission for the fight against corruption in State authorities. He was a United Nations expert on organized crime. He was president of the International Foundation for the Support of Young Creatives. He was known for high profile investigative journalism. Killed by the regime via unknown poison. The article written in 2000 which tells a story how chekist regime was in a process to usurp power and to control television.
War crimes in Chechnya and Afghanistan - The Washington Post / ITA: Crimini di guerra in Cecenia e Afghanistan - The Washington Post / RUS: Военные преступления в Чечне и в Афганистане - Вашингтон Пост
2 articles + intro published on August 21, 2002. Article 'We Are the Lost Ones' written by French journalist Anne Nivat is depicting horrible war crimes happened in Chechnya. ENGLISH VERSION IS AVAILABLE inside translation.
2002 - Alexander Litvinenko's letter to The Washington Post / ITA: 2002 - Lettera di Alexander Litvinenko al Washington Post / RUS: 2002 г. — письмо Александра Литвиненко в газету The Washington Post
Alexander Litvinenko has denounced drugs traffick from Afghanistan by corrupted FSB officers
Yuri Shchekochikhin: Are we Russia or KGB USSR? / ITA: Yuri Shchekochikhin: Noi siamo la Russia oppure KGB URSS? / RUS: Юрий Щекочихин: Мы Россия или КГБ СССР?
Yuri Petrovich Shchekochikhin (June 9, 1950, Kirovabad of the Azerbaijan SSR – July 3, 2003, Moscow) was a journalist, colleague of Anna Politkovskaya, Soviet and Russian writer and playwright, screenwriter, TV presenter, deputy of the State Duma and member of the Commission for the fight against corruption in State authorities. He was a United Nations expert on organized crime. He was president of the International Foundation for the Support of Young Creatives. He was known for high profile investigative journalism. Killed by the regime via unknown poison. Article written in 2003, 5 months before Yuri was killed. It tells a story about repressive practices happened in Moscow executed by foreign post-soviet republic secret services violating Russian laws and international human rights legislation.
Orhan Dzhemal: Conspirology as the method of governing the country / ITA: Orhan Dzhemal: Cospirologia come il metodo di governare il paese / RUS: Орхан Джемаль: Конспирология как метод управления страной
Article written in 2003 by journalist Orhan Dzhemal which will be killed in 2018 in Central African Republic.
Russia 20 years ago: 06.10.2003 - 06.10.2023 Historical reconstruction / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: 06.10.2003 - 06.10.2023 Ricostruzione storica / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: 06.10.2003 - 06.10.2023 Историческая реконструкция
7 articles published 20 years ago + 9 articles published in August-September 2003, which create the context to the situation in the country.
Russia 20 years ago: Anna Politkovskaya: Imitators / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: Anna Politkovskaya: Imitatori / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: Анна Политковская: ИМИТАТОРЫ
Russia 20 years ago: Special Operation "Russia" / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: Operazione speciale "Russia" / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: Спецоперация «Россия»
Article-investigation, article-diagnose, lucid analysis of the Russian Government in 2003 written by: Kirill KABANOV, member of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, deputy head of the Anti-Corruption Center; Mikhail KRASNOV, Vice President of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, Vice President of the INDEM Foundation; Leonid NIKITINSKY, member of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, team leader of the Association of Judicial Reporters, columnist of Novaya Gazeta; Georgy SATAROV, vice-president of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, president of the INDEM Foundation
Russia 20 years ago: Censorship, propaganda, manipulation and electoral fraud / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: Censura, propaganda, manipolazione e frode elettorale / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: Цензура, пропаганда, манипуляции и фальсификации выборов
Translation of 12 articles in 1 post. N.B. Boris Kagarlitsky now is political prisoner, Anna Politkovskaya and Orhan Dzhemal were killed: Boris Kagarlitsky - The authorities know best what opposition they need - 08.18.2003 Orhan Dzhemal - St. Petersburg mullahs join Matvienko's pre-election campaign - 08.18.2003 Anna Politkovskaya - Will ballot boxes become funeral boxes? - 25.08.2003 Sergey Michalych - We did not order war to authorities - 08.28.2003 Anna Politkovskaya - Chechnya: elections without hope - 08.28.2003 Orhan Dzhemal - Sons and stepchildren of Russian television - 08.28.2003 Alexander Kidenis - Bashkirbashi. Will the President of the Republic be able to hold controlled elections this time too? - 08.09.2003 Anna Zorina - The new party has its sights set on the "protest" electorate. - 25.09.2003 Orhan Dzhemal - Administrative resource - legal affair - 09.25.2003 Editorial team - Children and stepchildren of Russian television - 06.10.2003 Yuri Moiseenko - The foundations of democracy have given the first seeds - 06.10.2003 Orhan Dzhemal - Saratov police officers become censors - 06.10.2003
Russia 20 years ago: General Prosecutor's Office against Novaya Gazeta “The Tri Kita Case” / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: Procura Generale contro Novaya Gazeta “Il Caso Tri Kita” / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: Генпрокуратура против «Новой газеты» по «делу Три Кита»
Article by investigative journalist Roman Shleynov one of the long serie of the case "Tri Kita" / The Bank of New York / Trade companies from Germany / Custom etc etc
Russia 20 years ago: Military service. Modern slavery / ITA: La Russia 20 anni fa: Servizio militare. Schiavitù moderna / RUS: Россия 20 лет назад: Военная служба. Современное рабство
Natalya Chernova's interview for Novaya Gazeta with Galina Shaldikova, Chairwoman of the Council of Parents of Russian Military Personnel (Ministry of Defense) and Veronica Marchenko, Chairwoman of the Council of the Mother's Rights Foundation (public non-governmental organization) 2 different realities in 1 country
Anna Politkovskaya: Communists as the best recipe against dictatorship? We have come to feel this... / ITA: Anna Politkovskaya: I comunisti come la miglior ricetta contro dittatura? Siamo arrivati a sentire questo... / RUS: Анна Политковская: КОММУНИСТЫ — ЛУЧШАЯ КАСТОРКА ОТ ДИКТАТУРЫ? ДОЖИЛИ…
Anna Politkovskaya's interview with Boris Berezovsky about political scene in Russia in 2003 and who was against putin.
WikiLeaks and Russia -4. The State and the kingdom of bandits and thieves / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 4. Lo Stato e il regno dei banditi e dei ladri / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 4. Государство и царство бандитов и воров
Cable from 2008 about the banditism, national gangs and corruption in Moscow.
WikiLeaks and Russia - 6. Kremlin, KGB and drugs / ITA: WikiLeaks e Russia - 6. Kremlin, KGB e la droga / RUS: WikiLeaks и Россия - 6. Кремль, КГБ и наркотики
Article written in collaboration between Novaya Gazeta and WikiLeaks which tells story about Russian military presence in Tajikistan and their involvment in drug trafficking
Nomenclature vs. Citizens: “Soap bubbles” for the people / ITA: Nomenklatura vs. Cittadini: «Bolle di sapone» per il popolo / RUS: Номенклатура vs. Граждане: «Мыльные пузыри» для народа
Albert Speransky's article from 2011 about how all the words pronounced by Russian politicians or Russian bureaucrats are blatant lies, propoganda and nonsense attraction/distraction